View Full Version : To all the ladies who have given birth

29-10-09, 10:39
ok slightly embarresing but.... everysince having my son i get awful trapped wind, its really painful sometimes & after i have been to the toilet i generally feel a lot better. I havent been to the docs as up until this morning this has never bothered me that much. But today my head is telling me its something else to be worried about. Does anyone else suffer with this?


29-10-09, 11:15
Hi Tash

Ive had three kids and haven't really had this problem but i just wanted to say that I know when you have small kids it's easy to eat very quickly in a bid to finish your meal before the baby/child starts needing attention. I don't know if this is the case with you but if so it can DEFINATELY cause excess wind.

Either way please don't be embarrassed about seeing your Dr.. i promise you Drs see a LOT more embarrassing things than that... we all get wind to some extent even if we don't like to admit it : )

Hope it sorts itself out soon.. enjoying your son : )

Mand x

29-10-09, 12:12
Hi tash

Yes I get this. Its a nighmare. But I seem to have increased wind fuul stop, trapped or not.

Im very syre its normal, rubbish though I know. Without being too graphic it seems worse in the morning and i find myself running to the furthest corner of the house where noone can hear when i first get up .....not very lady like at all!!!


29-10-09, 13:02
Hi Tash

You replied to a thread of mine yesterday. I have been a mess since having my 3rd child 2 years ago. I am very hormonal all the time, with heavy periods, mid-cycle pains and spotting (has lasted a week this month!!), spots, achey breasts, mood swings and awful PMT. On top of this, I have a lot of indigestion, pain under my ribs, bloatedness, upset stomach frequently.

I am so tired all the time too.

I have had a smear, pelvic and abdominal ultrasound and many many blood tests. All bring up nothing but something has definitely happened!! Giving birth 2 years ago seemed to shift something irrevesably in me!!

30-10-09, 08:16
With all the worry you are having it's causing you to have IBS like symptoms.... I had this and it's nothing to worry about.

Hon I cam back to this site just to have a look at some of my old posts out of interest.

I'm still on meds (zoloft now) and feel pretty damn normal (touch wood lol) no ocd intrusive thoughts or anxiety.

I know how most people get angry here about me pushing meds in a way as they work for some and not others but you don't know till you try.

You only get one life, do what I did. get yourself a good psychiatrist and go from there.

All the best, oh and I have had my little girl!!! my good grief labor hurts lol

30-10-09, 09:43
omg joyce!!!!!!!!!!!!! a massive congrats. Awww how old is she now? yeah i didnt expect labour to hurt that much lol

Its just odd that all these symptoms including my burning tongue etc started after i gave birth :wacko:x

31-10-09, 07:04
Hi Tash!
I have given birth also but I don't feel that. I guess it's just an effect post partum. How old is your baby? I am enjoying my son so much he's 4 now.

31-10-09, 09:22
Not strange at all.

Such a life changing/painful experience causes many problems such as:
Post natal depression, baby blues, ocd and many many other feelings due to the sudden drop and change in hormones.

I felt my ocd spike badly for 2 weeks, I was so upset about it all.

But my Dr explained why, my labor was very long and painful.. also I had 2nd degree tears,

My meds were adjusted short term and I got better, I'm back to normal now and love being a mummy :D. you know how amazing babies are!!!!

The thing is all of these symptoms you have (and I have read your posts) are a copy of what I went through.( I was100% sure I had something wrong)..... I didn't.

Your body is reacting to your severe stress from health anxiety.(how long have you been suffering honey) I know right now all of these symptoms seem so damn real and that you must be suffering from some disease BUT it's just NOT the case!

All the best i hope it stops for you I feel so bad for everyone on here, its just not fair x x

31-10-09, 09:54

I used to get awful trapped wind when I was actually pregnant and its so painful. I found that peppermint oil capsules were great and really helped me out. Give them a try.