View Full Version : What help is out there?

29-10-09, 14:34
I'm just wondering whats available in terms of help.

I have agoraphobia, general anxiety, health anxiety etc (although Im 99% sure there is something wrong as I dont go a day feeling healthy), I just struggle. Im struggling to come to terms with the fact I feel quite ill on a daily basis with no explanation (I seem to have tests here and there, even hospital stays that really set me back, but still no answers).

I did have counselling for a while but as soon as I agreed to 'proper help' ie not just talking therapy then the counselling had to stop as I 'wasn't allowed both'. That was over a year ago. Im on the waiting list for CBT but I think theres another 6 months left to wait (he said it was an 18month wait).

I asked my GP if anyone could come out to my house and visit but he said no. He said I 'wasn't bad enough as Id managed to get to the practice', so I was still able to get out.. He told me if I got worse there might be help.. I dont know how bad I have to be tbh.. How else would I have seen a GP as they already told me they only visit you in your home if youre elderly or infirm anyway.

My GP is happy to prescribe me numerous anti depressants but nothing else, not an actual person, he told me to just be patient till the cbt, but its hard. I also dont know how I will manage to travel there in this state.

Is there anything else I could ask for as I'm struggling at the moment?

Thank you xx.

29-10-09, 14:38

Have you tried to contact your local MIND centre they offer free CBT

29-10-09, 18:20
Thank you, I might contact them tomorrow.

I have contacted them at some point.. I must have, as they now bombard me with membership stuff every month, there seems to always be event invitations in the pack too.. which isnt going to happen as I'm agoraphobic!

Does anyone else have more suggestions?

Thank you xx.

29-10-09, 18:44
Why not try the "No Panic" telephone recovery group that is done from home on the telephone surprisingly enough lol

30-10-09, 09:34
I just started one of the telephone recovery courses 2 weeks ago and am finding it helpful. I would recommend it.