View Full Version : seeing and hearing things

29-10-09, 16:49
sometimes i think someone has run past me or someone is standing in the room when noone is there its really hard to explain, i also hear noises like last night i thought i heard someone scream. I spoke to my doctor today and he couldnt explain it.. has anyone else had these problems?

29-10-09, 19:36
Hi Rochelle,

Very interesting post, I too have similar experience, I could be sitting on sofa and suddenly jump as I thought I'd seen a dark figure move out of the corner of my vision. As for the scream, I somtimes hear a loud bang/thundery noise when I'm falling asleep, which then makes me feel wide awake.

I have mentioned these to both my Dr and CBT Therapist, they both put it down to over-stimulated brain activity, caused by lack of proper sleep and general anxiety of the day.

Take it easy,

30-10-09, 13:03
atleast im not the only one! thankyou for your reply :)

30-10-09, 13:18
Hi Rochelle,

Very interesting post, I too have similar experience, I could be sitting on sofa and suddenly jump as I thought I'd seen a dark figure move out of the corner of my vision. As for the scream, I somtimes hear a loud bang/thundery noise when I'm falling asleep, which then makes me feel wide awake.

I have mentioned these to both my Dr and CBT Therapist, they both put it down to over-stimulated brain activity, caused by lack of proper sleep and general anxiety of the day.

Take it easy,

Look up Hypnagogia on google. Don't worry, its not some scary condition, probably about 60% of the population have experienced it. Basically its experiencing visual hallucinations of hearing things upon falling asleep or waking up, and its totally normal. I have never seen anything but about once or twice I have woken up and sworn I heard the doorbell go but everyone says it didn't. Also sometimes as I fall asleep my thoughts start wandering and making no sense and then I sort of wake up a bit again and think "what the heck"!

31-10-09, 00:45
i often hear noises as im drifting off, like someones shouted my name to wake me up, makes me jump and unsettles me but its perfectly normal, sometimes i can even hear a beeping noise in my head like a hospital heart monitoring machine echoing through my head when im highly anxious, now this i hate but again its just the anxiety.

31-10-09, 22:35
Just tell yourself, 'it's my brain playing tricks'.

It's nothing serious and you're not going crazy, if that's what you're worried about.

10-11-09, 15:33
:)what a releif,im not going mad!iv had noises in my head for so long,loud bangs,whistles,is someone at the door!screams,siren noises,is the phone ringing ect,being woke in the night by them,and have thought iv seen a ghost, a black mass in the corner of my eye,all very agatating and scary,but now i know what causes it i can adress it and stop worrying,thanks guys.this site is such a help and comfort.

11-11-09, 14:29
Yes , I get this a lot
See things out of the corner of my eye , hear noises that aren't there etc
h X

12-01-10, 23:52
lol thank goodness, In my CBT i think he thinks im mad and my doctor didnt have a clue what i was on about, i feel so much better for knowing other people have the same thing :D x

12-01-10, 23:58
sounds spooky, i've watched too many horror movies :)

i see shadows moving past at the side of my eyes sometimes(seldom) but that's just my eyes playing tricks on me. it doesn't sound like hallucinations or anything medical. Just seems like the brain or eyes playing tricks because anxiety sufferers are much more aware of everything around.

13-01-10, 05:26
You wouldn't believe how common this is. I think everyone has experienced it at one time or another in their lives. It's even more common for anxiety sufferers.