View Full Version : !Sleeping Problems On The Horizon!

29-10-09, 18:09
As much as i love him, i think my fiancé is making me worse. I know its a horrible thing to say but ive just posted a reply on someones thread about this situation and it made me think so i thought i'd write this to explain and then maybe you could tell me what you think..

Okay So, ive known him for a while now and we're engaged, When i first met him i was outgoing and funny and wild, panic attacks were 2% effective and anxiety was about 5%. Wasnt taking antidepressents yet. So when we started going out, i was still fine then things slowly crept downhill and i would get nightmares, panicattacks, weird feelings throuout my body. This led me to believe it was the relationship doing this to me. He met this girl who was amazing now we just argue all the time, i hate it when he smothers me psychically like lays on me and kisses me when im busy it makes me feel hot and bothered and i cant breathe it feels hes taken up all my engery. - Also -

We dont ever go out ( maybe because i panic when i do ) but we're always on our laptops when we wake up at 5pm and then we're off them and 7am and go to sleep. This is making me even worse because i feel like i HAVE TO treat my body like a temple otherwise it will not work properly and i'll feel ill all the time, and he doesnt understand that if i wake at half 5 in the afternoon i wont be able to sleep again straight away basically .. ( i cant get to sleep like he can ) which annoys me and he doenst understand how ill it makes me. He can easily just go to sleep or wake up whenever he pleases this angers me because hes never ill and he can handle not getting much sleep or not doing anything all day. Heres an example of how we've spent the last week.


Both woke up in the morning, had quite a good day i ate at the right times so did he, then we went to stay at his dads place. (which is my partners 'shed' in the garden but its okay because its 'insulated throughout' he doesnt understand staying here makes me ill.


Still at his dads, havnt showered need a shower. Havnt ate and im shaking and feeling faint because i havnt, he is absoloutley fine! Oh yeah went to bed at 7am because he was playing on 'WoW' World of warcraft. This addictive game nerds play. (no offence it just drives me up the wall)


The same thing happened, he made me a pot noodle tho, hes fine and i feel like sh*t so run down and no energy woke up at half 5 in the afternoon, he was already up and playing on 'WoW' World of warcraft'


Today, Guess what? Same damn thing almost a whole week, he looks and feels fine and i look like a tramp, i smell im hungry and i feel ill and cold. Oh yes and hes on 'WoW' World of warcraft. As we speak. Oh and i got up at 5:30 again.

I want to go home, but if i say that we're argue and i dont have the energy in me, he'll just run me into the ground untill i give it up. Im tired and im about to have a panic attack i can feel it already. I look a mess i feel a mess. I want my mum, my shower, my real food and my bed.

Does anyone think we're meant to be because i dont know what to do anymore. :( Ive tried everything, like going on a break, then breaking up, and talking about it. Nothing seems to work.

Is it him whos doing this to me? Or am i just kidding myself..
Because ive really had enough and i dont know what im going
to do next..

Ruby x

29-10-09, 18:18
Hi Ruby

Not really for me to say but you do seem to be answering your own question there

29-10-09, 18:27
Hi Ruby,

I also feel it's not for me to say, but I do strongly believe that being in the wrong relationship can be extremely damaging. I have been very ill this year - terrible anxiety, burn out and panic attacks - and I really do think that being in the wrong relationship played a very big factor in me being so ill.

I hope this helps a little bit.


29-10-09, 18:29
Why is it the relationship what makes you ill i dont understand but i can believe.

29-10-09, 18:39
You need all the support you can get from those closest to you
and relationships are stressfull at the best of times especially when you are not on the same page

29-10-09, 18:44
Hi Ruby,
Sorry your not to good, unfortunately so much can cause anxiety, lifestyle, relationships both family and partners, money worries etc. In my case I dont think its any 1 thing but multiple things. As you seem to spend a lot of time together if things aren't too great then off cause the relationship will cause you problems. If your unable to eat when you need to then thats going to affect you!! Have you tried to tell him about how all this is making you feel? sometimes (I'm the worst) we dont tell people whats really going on, but still expect them to know whats going on in my head! Only you know whether or not your relationship is the right one, and only you can change it if you need to. However difficult. First off all try to work out why your feeling down and maybe that will give you a wider perspective to your problems.

Take care

29-10-09, 18:58
Thanks for you replys but i still not sure on what to do, this is driviving me crazy.