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View Full Version : New symptoms freaking me out >_>

29-10-09, 22:13
Yesterday I had some diarrhea and I think I still have it. I've felt some mild abdominal pains a bit yesterday and most of today, general chest pressure, and just an overall lousy feeling. I'm really really scared and I can't do anything now. Health services on campus is closed. I'm also really hungry and need to eat. I have tests tomorrow, and a swine flu vaccine to receive. The symptoms aren't severe but they are worrying and I'm just freaking out. I can't focus on my studying. The abdominal pain sometimes gets worse and better, but it's sort of always there. Is this normal? For the past week or two I've just generally been feeling kind of foul. Aaaargh.

Part of me wants to go to the ER and get things checked out... can anyone recommend an alternative? I'm really busy tomorrow so I might have trouble fitting it into my schedule.

29-10-09, 22:29
also, sometimes my chest hurts when I breathe in really deeply. I also haven't eaten much today. So yeah. I'm so scared... just want to know if anyone else has been through this.

29-10-09, 23:32
I get really bad chest pains with my anxiety also this is quite common, i also get diahorrea most of the time but unfortunatly my need for food never goes hehe (i wish it would) try and relax I know this is hard to do and wish I could take my own advice, breath deeply through you mouth and out your nose and try and concentrate on your breathing counting it this helps me.....

Hope you feel better soon xxx