View Full Version : Anxiety + Panic + Stress + Dizziness + some relief

07-11-05, 05:35
Hi there. I am also new here and very relieved to have found the site. I have, in the last 2 years suffered through some extremely stressful situations, with the last six months including: having a new baby, having my husband move overseas 2 weeks before she was born, packing up my household and life in South Africa all by myself and moved countries, leaving behind all I know and love. Now, having been here 2 months we find that my husband has been retrenched.

I thought I was doing pretty well and coping remarkably - friends and family remarked on this. But, I guess everyone has their breaking point and I have hit mine.

I am so grateful to have found this site, which I happened upon when searching for an explanation for my constant dizzy spells (which of course I have been stressing about being a brain tumour - how relieved to see that this is a common theme). I have also starting having some severe panic attacks. Dizziness, palpitations, tight chest, anxious etc, Luckily (!?) I was with a visiting friend from home when I had one on a lovely walk in the park. She immediately insisted that go to the doctor, which I did.

Fortunately, the doc was able to witness the attack first hand and we agreed that I would go onto medication. I am now on Cipramil, for the last 3 weeks, but have yet to feel the effects. I am still getting dizzy spells - last night one culminated into a panic attack, but fortunately i had the medication to get through it.

This site has been a godsend to me. To know that my symptoms are common and others have gotten through them is a huge relief - especially since I am in a new country with no support.

I would be interested to know if others symptoms have also lasted for weeks.


07-11-05, 07:11
Hello Leigh!

First - Welcome to the site! You are going to meet some of the most wonderful, strong people imaginable here. The folks here are all survivors of that despicable creature, the Panic Attack Monster. Of course, none of us are free of him - the PA monster can be incessant, and if he finds a small crack in our defenses, he tries to make our lives miserable.

Luckily, when PA strikes, we have this site and all of the great people here to help us thru the rough times. About two years ago, I went thru a series of panic attacks where I lost 30 pounds in a month, about drove my GP crazy (he is really a great guy, as well as a wonderful doctor), and generally felt I was going mad. The folks on this site, in some cases, literally saved my life when things were really rough, and for that, I am forever grateful. You will see Meg, whom I have never met personally, but who is without a doubt my angel, Nic, who devotes so much personal time and resources to this site...

And you could go on - just scroll down the members list. All have contributed in their own way. I don't get on the site near as much as I'd like, anymore, due to a crazy work schedule and other major commitments - but I try to help when I can, and hope that, though I'm a notorious rambler with words, perhaps occasionally my posts may help even just one person. That is what this site is all about. Helping one another.

I couldn't help but smile as I read your post. an explanation for my constant dizzy spells (which of course I have been stressing about being a brain tumour Wow, I've been there. As I said, I have a GP who understands, and has helped me thru what I thought were brain tumors, heart attacks, cancer, strokes, nerve disease, and a host of other terrible maladys, - all induced by anxiety and stress.

Wow, the stress you are under is pretty awesome, but it looked like you were coping pretty well. As we all know, and you found out, unfortunately we all have a point where the teakettle eventually boils over.

Do the symptoms last for weeks? Panic Attacks or the physcial ones?

Well, unfortunately, in the beginning, they can, which is what makes them so terrible! We are all different, but for me, the lenghty build up of terrible stress over a period of time, coupled with an untimely bout with the flu, put me into a terrible state, and caused the PA monster to just about eat me alive for a couple of months! It was horrible, but, looking back, it is amazing the things I learned.

First, unless you find and deal with what is causing your stress, you won't get better. Luckily for you, it seems that you have pretty much found that, so that is a big step!!

Second, you have to be strong, and PATIENT!!! We all want these feelings to go away and never come back, but, especially for those of us who have had massive and lengthy episodes, we have had to learn to take the little, seeming insignificant victories one at a time, until suddenly, our heads finally pop out of the clouds, and we have the PA monster on the run! Once he's been there, he's always lurking around, but by taking care of ourselves and, by using the tools and tips we learn over time, to not allow ourselves to get into the state that caused the stress and anxiety. If we do that, we can usually keep him at bay!

Third - How wonderfully strong and resilient the human mind and body is. Go thru these posts. All of us have our ups and downs, but in spite of that, we go on, fighting the PA monster every step of the way. We revel in the good days, cry on the bad - but we never give up, mainly because those here on the site won't let us! That's what makes this such a wonderful community.

Well, as usual, I've rambled, and some of the more literatry and intelligent folks here could have said what I said in about two paragraphs! But, that's okay! I do hope that what I've said has made sense, - But, believe me, if it hasn't there will be others here who will!

Take care, keep in touch, and let us know

07-11-05, 09:57
Hi Leigh

Welcome to the site.

Yes this site is a god send it has helped me heaps. You will find lots of good advice and many new friends here.

Kazo xxx

07-11-05, 10:08
Hi Leigh,

I laughed with relief when I found this site.

A big welcome to you.

Love Piglet:)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

07-11-05, 10:40
Thanks so much to all. I will absolutely be using this site as I have already found great comfort in knowing that I am not alone in my experience.

I am hoping that the meds will kick in soon - any ideas on how long?

07-11-05, 11:18
hi leigh
im glad you found this website it truly is fab
think my meds took approx 3 weeks last year however you may want to look at other techniques to help along side tablets. reading the forum will give you ideas and all books by Clare Weekes will help you understand the problems,that was the key for me -understanding. good luck you are now on your road to recovery
take care

07-11-05, 11:59
Hi Leigh,

welcome and well done for finding this site so early on.

I will keep my post brief. The first thig that I had was dizziness and the it was the last thing to go. Still get the odd bit here and there but before it was constant. Got all the other symptoms as well.
Mine started a year ago exactly. Felt back to "normal" after about 9 months with the help of people on here.

You can get through it and make a full recovery. :D

Educate yourself as much as possible. I'm also a massive Claire Weekes fan. Her "Self Help For Your Nerves" was a god send before I found this place. (And I think she was an Aussie as well!). You can't go wrong with any of her stuff.

All the best,

07-11-05, 16:02
hello leigh

welcome here, this sites amazing.

i have had symptoms for a long tim, im on the same med as you, what dosage are you on??? they have worked great, took a while to kick in though. all you gotta remember is its not perminant and you will get over this. good luck and feel free to pm me anytime.

07-11-05, 17:46
hey a fellow south african!!

making the change to move all the way over here would have caused you a lot of stress.

Thats like me, i had a build up of stress and i just "popped" and i've been fighting the panics for the past 2 and 1/2 weeks now. What i mean to say is it all gets better!! i promise. I seem to be coming right, slowly but surely (you've got to belive in yourself, easier said than done i know, i struggle to do it).

One positive thing thats come out of it is i've started doing Yoga twice a week. I can't say that i've seen any immediate benefits of it, but i think that takes time. Its also made me want to exercise a bit more, so currently lookng for a gym to go to.

Don't let it stop you from living your life.

09-11-05, 11:46
Thanks again to you all for your support. And D, you hit the nail on the head. I think I totally underestimated the trauma of the move. I think I held it all together for so long - maybe because of the baby - but suddenly its all just gone pear-shaped.

Its at times like this that you want the familiarity of your own doctor, and the comfort of your home and friends & family. I have neither.

I also left behind a very amazing therapist who helped me to handle my stresses and issues for 2 years.

10-11-05, 21:13
Hi Leigh

Pure life overload is often a cause for panic to brim over. It all just gets too overwhelming.

It also seems that you were having therapy for some issues before you left and suddenly don't have that ear or support either.

Whilst meds will help it will be beneficial to get back to seeing a therapist with similar working practices as you were seeing previously.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

10-11-05, 21:19
hi Leigh

Welcome to the site im new here as well and I am really having a hard time at the mo as well. But I have found a lot of comfort here a lot of help the guys on this web site are one in millions if they can help they will and most of the time its with a smile. Dont feel alone together we can beat this terrible thing


10-08-11, 14:10
Hi :welcome:, im suffering too! i think its the most horrible thing in the world and if i tell someone they think im stupid!! i dont know what has caused this on me but i know its hard to get rid of it even though people say its not going to last forever, but to me it feels like it wont go away seeing iv had it for about 3-4 years now! and even though im 18 i feel like its ruining my life as im too scared to go out and im a new mum of a baby girl (6 months old) and im too scared to take her for a walk in the pram, i constantly feel like i need another person with me! im fine if im with someone else but when im by myself or shopping with someone my panic attack starts! my symptoms is mostly the dizziness that gets to me and if im in a shop i feel like i cant concentrate and i have to go out and sit in the car and iv noticed it occurs mostly when there are allot of people around me! if someone els his suffering of this too please contact me, iv suffered too long now and i know i have to try and be strong but im fed up of it, my councellor is useless and so is my gp!! i just feel like crying someth=imes, i feel alone and theres no help or no-one to talk to! and if i cant go to the shop with my partner i sit in the car outside and i see all there childer + adults just go in and out by themselves with no care in the world and it makes me cry thinking how can they do it and i cant!?? i know i have too be stronger even though now iv got little Ela to look after?! but i dont know what to do anymore, so please help!!!!!!!! many thnaks, Ffion xxx :weep:

10-08-11, 16:11
when you feel panick come let your body go limp let your arms legs relax rest your jaw and take a big deep breath and think that you are floating belive me it will work do it every time you feel stress panick i have got panick by its throat and im guna kill it Fact !

i sufferd panick atacks 3-10 times a day guess what i am here at work in my stress full job and i am feeling ok it can be beat i am living proof saying you got through it with medication is not getting through it go towards the panic feeling all lose and breath deep it works

15-05-12, 11:33

I am looking for an answer to my dizziness and tight chest - judging by the similar posts on this site, I may have found it.

I am a bit of a work-aholic, actually my work situation is good, but my brain is very over-active and I never cease thinking of new ideas and ventures.

I have been running my own company in China for 4 years, which has involved some very stressful situations, involving really irrational anger and emotional situations.

Ever since university, my body has always gone through a cycle of stressful situations, followed by a breakdown of immune system and a period of sickness - this characterises itself by severe sore throats, aching joints etc. This in itself is very inconvenient, however, recently things got worse.

The change coincided with receiving some inheritance (and therefore release of pressure I guess) and a bout of sickness. But for the last 2 months I have been suffering badly from dizziness, tight chest and sometimes, embarrassingly random tears - not sobbing, but just gushing eyes... really strange.

I have suffered bad anxiety attacks before, once, when very young and very sick, I got it in my head that I was going to die and began hyper-ventilating, followed by fingers and toes clenching up uncontrollably. It was horrible, but only required a paper bag and slow breathing to solve.

However, after doing every test under the sun for my recent dizziness and chest, I have come to the conclusion that, despite being very different, it is another form of anxiety attack.

The strange thing is I feel very calm when it happens, but even stranger is that it seems to only happen when I have to go into work for a meeting or something - which is the obvious sign that it is stress related. Actually, when doing other projects I generally seem fine, it is only when doing things for my old company, who I want to leave.

So what to do? Is complete rest the best solution, or is trying to get it under control better? Should I take a financial plunge and leave the company and hopefully therefore the anxiety that comes with it, or would that just be swapping this anxiety for financial one.

There is nothing obvious in my head saying I don't want to do bits of work for this company exactly, I don't feel stressed when I have to go in, but I guess its some deeper mechanism at work. Like I said I feel calm but just very dizzy and tight chest, and like my body doesn't belong to me.

Any advice would be great, I'm quite convinced that this is the case, especially having read some of the other posts.

Thanks all.