View Full Version : why did my anxiety come back ??

29-10-09, 23:02
6 weeks after having my baby i started thinking my eye sight was strange ,i had eye tests and went to eye hospital and had a full eye test and there was nothing wrong with my eyes, that was last year ,i was put on tablets and gradually got better until a few weeks ago when i seem to go back into the anxiety again ,will it ever go away? i thought the tablets took it away? why did it come back when i was doing so well?.

29-10-09, 23:05
What tablets do you mean?

30-10-09, 22:49
citalapram and propranlol:D

30-10-09, 22:58
Try to remember that drugs dont CURE anxiety and panic - they just mask the symptoms

Have you tried CBT?

19-11-09, 09:56
yes i under stand how it all works but that dosent help me when im having a few days of panic all i think about is what i can see ,its hard coz we all use our eyes all the time so its not like i can avoid it, i also know that panic and anxiety cause vision problems been told i have dry eyes too i just want to be back to the way i used to be having fun etc

20-11-09, 01:31

Sweetheart, that is the million dollar question. IM 55 and have had anxiety come and go all my life. I wish I knew what triggered mine.. I wish I knew what triggers others.. There have been so many times that I thought mine was gone for good even times I wasn't anxious for years and all of a sudden out of the blue.. massive panic attack.

Its not fair , its just not fair.. My life of possibilities so far have included ..your body completely changes chemicals every ten or so years.. making your normal balance off balance and your hormones change and your taste buds change and almost everything that you allergic to you aren't any more and things you have never been allergic to you are. This is number one on my suspicion list..

Number two is ,you come from a home where you have been told that you are going to burn in hell if you go to the movies or you have sex to young or you do almost anything that is permissible in today’s societies and you grow up that way and you think that maybe you are going to get punished for something that is now permissible that wasn't when you were a child.. and it gives you anxiety..

Number three.. You have parents or parent that told you to be careful or someone would grab you and take you away or you might get hurt or come up missing or sexually abused or get sick of something if you do something wrong.. So far many of
us come from such homes.. Mine for the most part I realized they were full of crap before it got to out of hand but some of them still haunt me..

Number four
Stress stress stress, self induced over will I have a good life or will I do this wrong ,will I have children, will they grow up ok and be healthy. Will I do well at my job and will my boss like me ,will I excel and should I plan for being the top of my field and so on. Also another stress ,turn the television on . Someone is being gunned down, someone just bombed a bunch of people somewhere. A plane crashed and hundreds died and then a war started and the other countries are getting trigger happy and they are going to nuke the world and everyone it in .Then you watch a movie and or science show to feel better and its about the end of the world and drama of what would happen if this happened and we would all get wiped out in the process.. Like they say in media.. Blood and guts sells.. so we much have an appetite for it or they wouldn't hype everything up to scare the dickens out of us.. But in the end a lot of this gives us anxeity..

Number five.. then people love gore gore gore.. they will stop you and tell you about a friend of a friend killing 100 people and they were just quiet nice people that emptied your moms garbage or they had a friend that had a horrendous wreck and give you the horrible details word for word and that this and that happened to their brother or sister or they died for no reason at all just sitting down having a cup of coffee.. I tell you im so sick of these people ,now when I start hearing all that I just walk away . My wife is the worlds worse with her family and friends discussing the most horrible diseases and how this friend or that one died and such.. I get rather angry and just tell them to shut up.

To tell you the truth if not for friends or media which is the most horrible excuse for entertainment I think my life would be rather nice.. Although media is good for education and learning , its also teaching us something we aren't sure we can handle.
Every commercial is a gurney following around a person that had a heart attack that is just waiting to have another. Or a guy that can’t have sex having to take some meds they have for sale ,or another guy that has perefiel artery disease (not spelled correctly but P.A.D short for that. They tell you that you could die from heart attack if you have the symptoms without their meds.. Also you get someone that has some disease they need to sue for or some med for this condition or that condition that you will die from if you don't use their meds...

The part I just love is the one that list the side effects of the drugs that will save your life if the side effects don't kill you .Then there is the cost of funeral expenses and insurance commercials design to scare you into picking up the phone and paying their 1 euro a month insurance policy which anyone can get with preexisting conditions except having any kind of operation or meds or anything with the insurance will be extra.. The neglect to mention if you actually use the insurance then you have to pay through the nose..

I don't know call me crazy but just being able to sit down and watch television without being exposed to the worst possible things in our lives.. Even the weather has gotten to be big.. Not only do they scare the pants off of everyone about approaching storms and how bad they can be they exaggerate many that have just gone through areas and might show one little street flooded but by the time they get through with it the whole town might have been destroyed along with everyone in the town and the town just happens to be the town just a little ways away from you with people you know there. You call them and they say "what storm?"

Im telling you its all hype and its killing us and making us so anxious we don't know whether to get up and do something or just sit and wait for whatever is going to kill us to come and get us .. And if that isn't bad enough.. the weather has started showing these shows.> It could happen Tomorrow. about horrible things that could happen.. tomorrow but they could happen today and they could happen everyday for the next billion years.. Geez I just don't know what could be making all of us anxious.. lol.. I turn the television off as much as I can, I refuse to watch the news, I refuse to read the computer news , I refuse to be a part of a society that loves horror and really pores on the sad, miserable facts and drama that makes our lives seem like we are all going to die when much of these things were going on since time began and we just didnt hear about them.

Then there are the horror movies blood and guts , ghost and creatures and bizarre and unsual things that come out in the night and get you .. lol.. You turn on even the history channels now and its all crap about ghost and murders, drug wars and etc.. and if that isnt bad enough then its the horror movies about who can be so gruesome ,with more blood and guts and scarry people with knives a foot long that can come jump in your house and get you . Also there is commercials that we better buy their security systems so that Freddie Crougar doesnt hop through your window , and if you have an alarm Freddy doesn't know that it takes the police about at least 20 minutes to get to your house. lol.. Also all of this makes people go out and buy pieces of land 200 miles from anywhere and dig holes in the ground for bomb shelters .. and makes them a little nuts and causes them to stay away from people and become reclusive and arm themselves like the third world war is on its way.

Dolphin I know all of this is long but its just a few thoughts I had about why we and others are anxious , it could be a billion things and it could be one.. Its sad that we can't all figure it all out and forget about it and feel better.. Anyway take care and hope you feel better.Sorry about the long post.. but thought it was worth mentioning..

Jac 2009
20-11-09, 04:01
I know exactly what you mean about vision problems - or rather perceived vision problems - I have this too. The trouble is that if you are concentrating of what you can see all the time then you will definitely think that something is wrong. I have a period of a few months when I kept getting migrane type distortions to my vision - I would get one every few days and they panicked the life out of me.

Any distractions involve using your eyes as well so they don't help at all. Rather a daft suggestion but what really helped me was to wear sunglasses - the darker the better - when I felt like that, even round the house. I then felt comfortable enough to get on with things and the panic would pass.

Also, try a self hypnosis technique. It really works for me - not all the time but the fact that it does work sometimes gives me confidence. Say STOP - these negative thoughts are not good for me, they are not healthy or helpful thoughts and I am learning to think differently. You have to practice this, say in out loud or in your mind again and again to replace the negatives thoughts that you have.

Good luck to you x

Jac 2009
20-11-09, 04:06
ps - we all ask ourselves why me, why now and why has it come back. There are no answers and you drive yourself mad trying to find them. The only answer is to take control of yourself and be determined to get better. x

20-11-09, 06:12
Hi Jac,

Just wanted to say the sunglasses is a great idea.. I had to start keeping a pair everywhere to make sure I had them. The only thing is sometimes they get a little too dark and I have to pull them off or find a pair that isn't as dark.I would love to find out how to do that self hypnosis thing. I have a few mantras that relax me sometimes when Im about to go to sleep but during the daytime I have nothing.Maybe you could turn us all on to where to go for that ? On the web or a book or what have you ? But you are correct.. the only person that can help ourselves is ourselves.. taking control is the only way but sometimes I can sometimes I cannot.. I don't know why I can't jus be consistent .. Thanks take care

23-11-09, 18:51
It is nice (if u can call it that) that im not the only one suffering with my eyes,i wear sunlight reaction glasses all the time ,i dont think it helps that i wear glasses and have anxiety with my eyes i do notice every speck of dirt and scratch on my glasses, i went to get contacts but was told i have dry eyes so cannot wear them.
I do concentrate on what im seeing all the time rather than just looking though my eyes(if that makes sence) i tell myself "no im fine ,i can see,whats my problem" but because i want answers for everything and there probaly isnt one, i just stress myself out even more, i went about 9 mths without any problems at all and then it came back and now i find myself thinking is it my glasses,my eyes,the time of month,my hormones,and a million other things,in stead of just thinking ok let get over this bout of anxiety, because i am fine when im busy i dont notice anything.
i am wondering wether its all come back because my eye test is due in january and im worried.
alot of what u both said is really good advice thanks xxx but its doing it thats the problem xxx