View Full Version : need some help.....

30-10-09, 00:43
I've taken 2 anadin tablets cause I've had the flu all week. I took them about 11. Now I feel totally ill, feel sick, bad stomach. Feel like I'm going 2 pass out. It is bed time, but I'm afraid to sleep incase imy hearts stops or something dramactic like that.
I have been getting really worked up this week being ill, falling out with my boyfriend bills money so stress is a big factor I know, like all of us on here.
But am I ok, I keep thinking did I take any tablets and forgot and took more. Which I doubt I think I'm wrking myself up into a state 2 be honest.
But I'm lying here and I feel totally monged out. Sick. I'm concentrating on my breathing cause I've suffered with air hunger and its hard to overcome. My heart rate is 10 to the dozen.
Can someone put my silly overactive mind at rest please. Is it ok to sleep. I feel so p off with myself for getting wrked up.

30-10-09, 00:59
I think you would of known by now if you had took to many, you wouldn't have been able to write what you just have anyway :)

I'm obviously not a doctor, but i think u'll b ok, i think it would take quite a few anadin to OD on.

Go get some rest, u sound like u need it with the flu, oh and keep drinking lots of clear fluids! ;)

Jac 2009
30-10-09, 01:03
It's ok to sleep Nicola - trust me. I absolutely guarantee it. You sleep well.xxxxx

30-10-09, 01:07
Cheers guys. I just calmed myself down. Shut my eyes and jus bad thoughts. U know the ones where u think ur mental. But not in a good way. So atm the mouth feel weridly big. God this anxiety makes u feel like ur on drugs.