View Full Version : Why why so restless ??

Desprate Dan
30-10-09, 05:39
Just hopeing someone can relate to this and offer some help.

Does anyone else feel like there is electricity running through there body and can sit or lay still for long periods of time???

Its like i am wired up, when i wake up which is really early i try hard to get back to sleep but i seem to get tuned in, on how mt body is feeling, i cant help fidgetting (Not Sure thats spelt right) i constantly roll around itch or move my legs and arms, because if i lay still i cant handle the feeling like an electric current is running through my body....

The only way to relieve it is to move around, it happens when i sit for long periods aswell, and the other day i was eating and i was tuned in and trembling so i would tap my foot on the floor constantly like you were tapping you foot to some music, this seemed to take the tremble away..

Is this Anxiety again????


30-10-09, 07:13
heya dan, yea i think its anxiety. i get the same thing. doesnt feel like electricity but more like if i dont move im going to burst or explode or something. i really battle to sleep and wake up at all hours of the night. i gotta say now that im on prozac im much better dont have any panic attacks but still very restless and i cant sit in one place for too long. i get a feeling like andin you pants type thing and i have to move or i'll burst. very weird feeling to describe. also when i go to bed i have to move my one foot or arm or something just to be able to lie there otherwise i wouldnt be able to lie there at all.

it s worse when i feel stressed or tired. though i consider yself very happy go lucky and cannot for the life of me work out why i get all panicky and have these attacks. but as i say since being on prozac things are much better. i was on citalopram for a few weeks and things were much worse.

let me know if you find any answers. goodluck matey

Jac 2009
30-10-09, 07:33
I get it too - it's horrid, like all your nerve ends are on fire. I also fidget constantly. x

02-11-09, 10:10
I have this too. I have said before that I feel like I'm wired to the national grid! lol. I also feel as if I will explode sometimes if I don't move. Often when in a queue or if somebody stops me to talk in the street. Fidgeting is also something I do a lot. It's definately anxiety related.