View Full Version : How do you know if its an an panic attack or something serious ?

sarah jayne
30-10-09, 08:29
Hi i had an awful panic attack last night and still dont feel right. I woke up at 3.30 this morning gasping for breath and i had pains in my chest, of course this made me have a horrible panic attack and ive been awake since, i feel awful. My breathings fine now but my chest is really sore. Ive never had anything like this before, do you thinks its something serious ?
sarah x

30-10-09, 20:01
It sounds very much like anxiety to me, have you been stressed lately? Of course I always like to go ahead and make that trip to the doc. Nothing makes you feel better than a doctor telling you that everything is OK. It's really your choice......its just such a relief to know everything good.

31-10-09, 11:17

I would go and get this checked as soon as possible as the first course of action, I am sure everything will be ok. You may had had a bad dream and that has caused anxiety and hyperventilation which can cause chest discomfort.

Hope all goes well for you.
Helen x

sarah jayne
31-10-09, 11:45
Thanks for your replies. I went to the doctors yesterday and he checked my blood pressure and listened to my chest and said everything was fine. He said it souned like i had a panic attack and has refered me to see a therapist about them. I dont feel any better for going as i dont see how just checking my blood pressure and listening to my chest can rule everything out. I wasnt having a bad dream at the time so it cant be that. I just hope it doesnt happen again...x

31-10-09, 11:56
i was a nurse i can assure you if a Doctor listens to your chest he can tell if there is any problem with the heart,,by taking blood pressure also tells the doctor a lot ,so you can relax it sounds like you had a very ad panic attack so the adrenaline rushed round your body giving you this pain ,,,try to think positive listen to music love maggy

31-10-09, 13:40
Hey Sarah

I went through a period of getting chest pains, and they were so painful and tight, I couldn't believe they were anxiety related, but after a few days, and trying to take my mind off it the chest pain went away.

I've also had x-rays, numerous ECGs, blood tests and doctors checking my breathing, blood pressure etc, which all say i'm fine. So now if it happens, I just try and ignore it, and know that it will pass.

I've had them come completely out of the blue, but they tend to come after a period of lots of stress.

I don't really get 'panic attacks' so the symptoms just jump out at me, which makes it worse if I can't think why.

Don't worry though, you're fine :), as hard as it is to believe sometimes.
