View Full Version : Freaking out.

30-10-09, 09:11
Over my symptoms, again..
Posting here because you all are so helpful when I get like this.
It all started with tingling last month in my right hand, the more I worried it progressed then turned into buzzing, then turned into twitches, which turned into burning, and last night while I was falling asleep my boyfriend was giving me a back massage and I got this really cold sensation on my forehead.
Nonetheless, I freaked. He had to talk me out of going to the ER twice.
I just don't know how to deal with this anymore. My life is a living hell. I wake up every morning and just cry as ridiculous as that might sound :weep:
My weight has went from 111 pounds to 102 because I can't eat. I'm washed out looking because I can't sleep and then get asked if I'm "sick" frequently causing a bigger panic and the worst thing is I know I've brought it all on my self with my continuous googling. Wrong diagnosis is not your friend, guys :lac:
I just need help. I'm so tired of thinking I'm doomed with a spinal tumor everyday it's no way to live! ):

30-10-09, 09:32

You are not alone ... i have been where you are... as horrible as it will pass
all your sympyoms are classic health anxiety
as hard as it is try and just accept the fear whan it comes as what it is a FALSE emotion..then the fears will gradually fade away

best wishes

30-10-09, 10:49
Me too

I have done all of this. Getting up in the morning made me feel sick with fear at one point. I remember the song i had on my mobile phone alarm at that point and I cant even listen to it now it reminds me so much of the extreme anxiety i was feeling.

It will get better though, as long as you stop feeding the anxiety with more health and ilness information. The more you read , the more informatin your mind has to pervert and turna against you. That sounds dramatic but if you are anything like me then its true. Honestly dont read any more about this stuff, you dont need to and the more you read, the harder it is to get over this.
