View Full Version : Nasty - Worms :(

30-10-09, 10:33
Last night I found I had a bit of an itchy and scratchy bottom then something was spotted wriggling in my plip plop.

So in panic I got a emergency doc appointment and he said I have worms.

I took a mebendazol or something like that at 9am and am petrified it's going to affect me as I'm on propranolol. I did ask the doc and he said it's fine.

I can still feel itching even now so they're not dead yet :(

I don't like the feeling that there are things in my body wriggling about...

I know it's disgusting, sorry guys!

30-10-09, 10:41
Aw poor you, thats sounds stressfull!

Kids get that as well dont they

If dr says the tablet mix is fine then it definately is. Im sure they will go in no time..........

I think head lice would be worse though !!

Being human can be rubbish sometimes cant it!!


30-10-09, 10:43
Feel like every thing's against me. If it's not mega anxiety it's worms that then stress me more as I'm more paranoid and because it's all still a bit itchy down there even now I'm wondering if it's killing them.


30-10-09, 10:59
Hi David,
I have 2 daughters and worms are part of the parcel im afraid! Along with headlice etc.
I noticed 1 of my daughters had an itchy bottom and noticed white things in her poop, doc gave us the same meds as u, as the whole family have to be treated when 1 member has them, i am on medication and was worried that i might get a reaction but i was fine.
As of still having an itchy bottom, my daughter was still itching hers a week later, i phoned and asked doc about it and he said perfectly normal, and to make sure we all carried out the 2nd dose 2 weeks later to stop reinfection. And to make sure we washed all bedding and towels on a hot wash, as they can still live in bedding and towels and cause a reinfection.
So dont worry, the meds will kill them and u will be 100% fine.
Take care

Debs x

30-10-09, 11:13
I do feel a bit better now!

Thanks Debs.

Just don't like the thought of em at all ergh!