View Full Version : First Panic Attack :(

30-10-09, 10:55
Hello everyone!
I am currently 30 years old and on Monday evening suffered my first panic attack whilst doing nothing more than being in front of the PC. Not knowing what was happening to me I called an ambulance and ended up in A&E where they ran a series of blood tests and X-Rays. I felt quite silly when the doctor told me it was a panic attack as I felt I wasted their time, it was one of the most scariest experiences of my life and since Monday I have been experiencing them (to various degrees) daily. :(

After visiting my GP on Tuesday he diagnosed me with depression and prescribed anti-anxiety and anti-depressants along with a series of councelling sessions.

30-10-09, 11:42
the thing is even though it's just a panic attack........
you do get so many real physical symptoms! any normal person who had a panic attack for the first time will have no idea what's happening to them so they use their logic and call an ambulance because they feel something is wrong with them.
notice how i said FEEL not think or imagine!
Panic attacks can cause chest pain, heart palpitations, shakiness, dizziness, weakness, numbness, tingles, chest pain, not being able to breath, chest tightness, aches, pains.
then there's the emotional side which is fear, racing thoughts, crazy thoughts, confusion, feeling not real, dream like sate........
so you did what any normal person would do.
panic attacks are scary but if you learn not to be afraid of them then they won't be so bad

30-10-09, 12:51
Hi James,

It's scary is'nt it. I had my first one about 7 weeks ago and I was out shopping and got taken to hospital in an ambulance and since then I've had another big one and then milder anxiety attacks.
I'm still waiting to be diagnosed though as my GP sent me for a load of blood tests and a 24hr ECG although it all seems to point towards panic/anxiety.
Stimulants that can trigger anxiety/panic are alchohol, tea, coffee, cigarettes, spicy food.......so beware.

This site will help you a lot and if you need a chat you can always PM me.

jude uk
30-10-09, 17:23
It seems there must have been a few issues in your life for the doctor to point to depression, maybe you have not been addressing them and this is how it has surfaced.

In real terms a panic attack last for about 10mins but the feelings can go on through out the day "a major attack" (thats the one were you think your about to pass out die or be abducted my aliens) really rocks your head but the main thing is to understand what has happened and then be pro-active in looking at it.
To date no one has died of a panic attack...feels like death at the time but then so does listening to chart music or another boring political speech and you are more likely to die from that.

Glad the doctor has been a support

out of interest what were you looking at on your pc before the attack

30-10-09, 21:34
Oh its horrible - hope you're ok!

I ended up in A&E on Wednesday too, and starting counselling a week today.
(hoping it'll help)

I had another one tonight - but took some calms and some rescue remedy and did some breathing!
(Don't know if it does help, but it makes me feel in control)

Someone gave me a good tip of having a "rescue pack" of things to help (rescue remedy stuff above and photos with happy memories)

Take care,
Ange x

30-10-09, 22:28
:welcome:Hi There

Hope your feeling better now, I had my first one when I was about 28 and still get them to this day 14 years on. I remember I was driving home on the motorway as I was going to the Dr's as I was feeling un-well.

I thought I was having a heart attack and was going to die. I know now that it is not this but it is sometimes hard to convince yourself,I also ring the paramadics sometimes. I have been ok for the last few years but the other month I had one and as it has been several years it freaked me out. I have had several different tablets over the years but they never seem to really control it.

I felt perfectly fine today and then tonight for no apparant reason I started going funny, I do sometimes take sleeping tablets to calm me down. It can take months and months to settle down again,I am now T total as the amount I drank did not help I feel. Anyway thats enough from me, get well soon.


31-10-09, 08:16
out of interest what were you looking at on your pc before the attack

I was checking work email at the time :)

jude uk
01-11-09, 04:22

Stress can be a slow build up and its possible this may be the under-lying issue that brought on the panic attack. It is good to keep facing the fear as this is the real way to overcome our fears as avoiding them just leads to more and more problems.
Try and learn breathing skills. I.E. slowing down your breathing while telling yourself you are feeling better with each breath