View Full Version : Hello everybody, i'd like to introduce myself...

30-10-09, 12:57
Hi guys :yahoo:
I am a newbie here and would like to introduce myself. I am 27 and have suffered panic attacks for 12 years now.
What a fantastic idea for a website! I came accross it by accident last night whilst doing a search on how to release anxiety.
I get panic attacks in shops, queues, in the car and have been getting a bit more uptight now the dark night are drawing in (my worst nightmare when driving!).
I am 6 months pregnant so a bit more suceptible to being irrational with my feelings at the moment and am looking for all the support and encouragement I can get!
I hope that if we can all swap tips and stories we can try each others methods of what helps our little issues.

30-10-09, 12:58
Hi Julesy

We just wanted to welcome you aboard to NMP. We hope you enjoy your stay here and get all the support and advice you need.

Please take some time to read the website articles on the left as well for loads of advice and tips.

30-10-09, 13:10
Hi Julesy

I'm a newbie too and just wanted to say hello, I have had to stay off work for 4 weeks now as got so panic stricken by late shifts that it has gone to occupational health, so you are not alone.

This site will hopefully let us talk to people to see how they overcome their anxiety, best of luck to you :welcome:

30-10-09, 13:20
Hi Sharon
Thanks for the welcome. I had to have a week off work once when I hit my rock bottom and it did me the world of good, but there have been times since when I have felt like I need to be off but have had to push myself.
Do you find it hard to know when to recognise that you need time out or when to push yourself? Its so easy to misjudge!
My midwife did my mood assesment yesterday which was interesting! I am petrified about getting post natal depression, but that is just me worrying again about something before it has even happened!
How long have you sufered for?

30-10-09, 14:46
:welcome: Julesy

I'm sure you'll find the site helpful

Take Care
