View Full Version : any advice welcome

30-10-09, 13:24
I know this is a silly question but are depression and anxiety the same thing, i am on citalopram and my mood seems to have lifted but still feel stressed out and obsessed with health worries to the max. Can you suffer from anxiety without being depressed? are they seperate things? i know this should be quite obvious but im a little confused at what is wrong with me.

30-10-09, 13:44
i find you can as i am not depressed bu have health anxiety strange

30-10-09, 13:46
Thats not a silly question and the answer is yes, most times these things go hand in hand. Health anxiety feeds off of your fear. Once you face the fear of anxiety it will go away, although it is easier said than done. Good for you that your mood has lifted. Thats the first step. What I try and do is look for a positive every single day that is going good for me. I have given up on the health anxiety after finally realizing that there really was nothing wrong. You can do it too. For me the depression came first and then the anxiety and panic hit hard because of the mood. Keep doing what you are and fight for yourself. Take care.

30-10-09, 14:56
Hi Hun, apparently my new doc thinks that i am perky & show no characteristics of being depressed but suffer with HA. so no lol ( did orgionally write yes):) x

30-10-09, 15:08
so you can suffer anxiety without depression? i have been severly depressed before to the point where i cant function cant even get dressed. I dont feel like this at the moment but i have constantly got thoughts running through my mind and i feel scared all the time, i wake up with the butterflies in my tummy its horrible and i just wish it would all go away. Im so tired now of telling people around me that im worried about ms because i know what they are going to say. Do you ever see little lights in your vision? ive noticed this today and am on another worry no lol!

30-10-09, 15:20
heya hun you can def have anxiety without depression.. def as i have. with regards to the lights i have these too & have also freaked out a lot. I have visual snow & all the time i have little lights that dart about & i have floaters too :( its horrible x

30-10-09, 15:23
Hey Rebbecca hun

Absolutely. Anxiety can exist with depression but they can both exist on their own. I too had a spell of horrible depression very similar to how you descibe yours a few years ago - infact i am releived to read what you have said becuase i always worried that it was something more when it was happening.

But now I very much have anxiety without a depresses mood a lot of the time. The psychologist i was reffered to said I have GAD and slight obsesive problems and HA and sometimes my mood gets depressed becuase of the thoughts that i have.

You sounds sooooooooooo like me!! Flashing lights in eyes....yes....i get this often too hun


30-10-09, 15:23
thanks so much, every little thing that happens to me i freak out the visual spots i have only recently noticed but as i know they are another ms symptom this has me scared, i did go to the opticians about 6 weeks ago who did a scan of my optic nerve, everything was fine but now im thinking perhaps i should go again because maybe it was to early to diagnose. Hope you are feeling a little better now

30-10-09, 15:26
thanks Lisa, the person i see also said i have gad and ocd, god ocd that sounds horrible like im constantly checking things and washing things and that is so NOT me. I suppose i do obsess over symptoms though and seek reassurance. She said ocd has a spectrum so can show in all different ways and severities, but did you ever think this is pointless because if i do have xxx disease then whats the point because the therapy cant change that?


30-10-09, 15:39
Do you mean that a physical ilness is causing your anxiety problems? I think this all the time about hiv. Its one of my major problems that keeps the cycle of fear going for me. When i was getting therapy i used to think this sometimes but I know that thinking this is actually just another anxiety symptom allbeit very disguised !

Do you have probs controlling you self doubt in other areas too? Like low self esteem? I do and im sure that this is the basis for it. Becuase I think a person with more self esteem would look at the facts and say, thats it i dont have it and then trust themself and move on. Its like the OCD thing, i 'check' my nodes and my cheek until it 'feels' right to stop and sometimes I reallllllllly have to tear myself away from it ........!

I often base my worries on hiv about how I 'feel' rather than the logical facts written on paper and told by my dr. If I have a good day.....I dont 'feel' like I have HIV, if im having a bad day I 'feel' like i have it and kepp thinking it until somethingbreaks the cycle..........


30-10-09, 15:43
yes i doubt myself all the time even silly things like when i send a text to somebody i have to check my sent box to check i have sent it to the right person and not somebody else lol, god i really am a nutter!!!! Im actually having quite a good day today been to see my therapist and have told her something that i have had on my mind something i couldnt even bring myself to tell my husband and i feel brilliant for doing it, it will be short lived though as i know in the morning i will wake up with the dreaded butterflies again lol

30-10-09, 16:19
Im so tired now of telling people around me that im worried about ms because i know what they are going to say.

I feel for you there, i'm the same, tried to tell my mum about it and she just calls me stupid :(

All i get off people around me now is, "if you've got it then we'll have to deal with it and there's no point worrying about it" Yeah that makes me feel great :scared15: but then again what do i want them to say?

But i've decided that when i see the doc on monday i'm gonna ask to see a neurologist and if all comes out clear i'll seek therapy.

I hope you feel better soon - Gaz

30-10-09, 16:34
i wish i could be so brave i could no way see a neurologist just incase he says ive got it, i honestly think id be dead before the appointment comes through, so this now leaves me here with the what ifs? but i have to accept the docs diagnosis and get on with it, all my hubbie says is if youve got it so what you cant change it also, its so frustrating because if ive got it i think my life would just be over.

30-10-09, 16:56
well thats the thing you see, i don't want to be stuck in limbo anymore and if i have got it, i can take stuff to reduce it and there are certain diets that you can follow which can also help... yes lol i've read alot about it.

The chances of me having it are extremely slim tho, for a start i'm male, and no one in my family has had it, not one person in 10 aunts and 10 uncles and over 50 cousins have it lol not even my grandparents, so my chances are very slim, but of course that doesn't matter to me as i'm convinced i do have it.

I'll let u know what happens tho

30-10-09, 17:55
M worrier sorry to hear that :( def depression, i am always happy on the outside and some days can be very 'normal' only Andrew knows about my anxiety & its when im on my own that i get upset but i think thats normal with anxiety i cant still function & still have fun and thats the difference i think x

30-10-09, 18:21
i used to get really upset at silly things, xfactor was a biggy lol but since i have been on my medication i feel a little numb inside almost like i couldnt cry even if somebody gave me the worst news ever. I hope it is the tablets because i really dont want to go down the road worrying that ms can cause emotional issues.