View Full Version : Back here again - need help!

30-10-09, 14:21
Hi there,

I first came onto this site about 2.5 years ago when I was diagnosed with having anxiety/panic disorder. It really helped me to cope, and I thought I was getting better...uh uh! I think I was just covering it up. I had some counselling sessions, which I didn't take too seriously and She just gave me methods to use to relax. Basically I have been using (abusing) alcohol to make me feel better, and it's made me much much worse. I am constantly tired and in a bad mood. I have two young daughters, and my wife and I are seperating after only 4 years of marriage, due to my mental state and heavy drinking. I have constant anxiety about my health, especially after a heavy night on the booze. My skin is awful and I have dark circles under my eyes. I am always checking my eyes in the mirror because I am sure that my liver is getting damaged, so I check for yellow-ness. Any twinge of pain, I think is a heart attack or my liver packing up. I take milk thistle, 5-htp and omega-3 tablets. I'm only 34 and I'm fed up of feeling so frightened all the time. I have been attending an alcohol abuse counseller but have stopped going because it didn't stop me drinking. I know that by drinking and smoking I am making things worse, and damaging my health for real. I want to start sorting myself out, but I have no idea how to start. If I can sort this then maybe I can save my marriage. Any advice will be very welcome. Should I see GP? I am also worried that they will do tests and it will be bad news!

Thanks for listening,


30-10-09, 14:38

Firstly, well done you for wanting to get help and understanding that you may need it, there are a few people here who have given up drinking and can probably help you out massively.

I would think a trip to the docs may be a good starting point, there are lots they can do to help you.

I do hope you get things sorted and we will help you out all we can.

best wishes

di xx

30-10-09, 15:06
hi mate very similar to you..i abused drink just as a way of coping.night time usually tho..worry bout health especially liver...looking at my skin color and eyes all the time..i stoped drinking recently and feel a little better bout things...drinking really does make u feel anxiuos and crap the day or for the next few days..i however i didnt go to the docs as i am also scared of bad (news due to my mental state of mind and panic disorder)..madness i know ..its easyier to stop drinking or at least cut it right down than u think...stopping completely is best but under supervision from docs..good luck hope all goes well..:D