View Full Version : Strong Heartbeat And Pulsating In Neck

30-10-09, 16:22
Hey all, it has been 3 month since i took my first panic attack over a pain in my left arm and for 3 month i have had i really strong heatbeat and pulsating in my abdomen and neck.

I have brung this up to my doc and she says it is normal.

My heartbeat was never this strong and im pretty sure my neck and stomach never pulsated before.

Does amyone else get this? is it worry that is bring it on? i have had this 24/7 for 3 months !

My neck hurts today and im starting to get worried !

My pulse ranges from 70 - 80

Please all i need some advice on this matter.

Can worry cause a really strong heartbeat?

My neck and ear feel really hot too.

Getting freaked out here folks !

30-10-09, 16:30
since i've worried about problems with my arm / hand i notice the pulse stronger in that hand, it's normal because your sensatized to your body now, especially certain parts and i too have a strong pulse in my neck and stomach, it's so strong in my stomach sometimes u can see my shirt moving.

It's all anxiety i'm sure :yesyes:

30-10-09, 16:32
hi dont worry your pulse is normal it ranges between 60 beats and 100 beats thats ok i was nurse 15 years took many ,,as for the pulsating you feel it more because you have anxiety,, when we have this every feeling every pain is 10 fold thats why it seems so bad ,but if you are still worried talk to your dr again propranolol are good for anxiety maggy

30-10-09, 17:04
Thanks all, Yes gaz i can totally relate to the whole tshirt moving thing lol I have that 24/7 my blankets move on my bed sometimes LOL!

Its just my jaw and neck are aching today ! stupid pulse!

I must be in a constant state of worry because i never get a break from this.

I have chest pressure and arm aches, neck aches pulsating, throbbing. rining in ears .

U name it i have it lol

I dont think i am OVER anxious or worried.

I dont have any proponal as i hate pills lol Though i am considering one right now!! :mad:

30-10-09, 17:11
i suggested them as they do help with this feeling you have sounds like you have strong heart that's good

30-10-09, 17:17
Do you get them at the chemist? or is a prescription thing? lol i know a strong heartbeat is good in my case my heart is a bodybuilder lol!

This is what pickles me. How does the heart beat stronger but not faster? if that makes since? for example the pulsing in my neck . My heart rate could be 70-80 but yet i can see my pulse and feel it.

What makes the heart beat so strong? is it adrenalin ?

30-10-09, 17:29
yes it is adrenaline plus it makes sense now if you are a bodybuilder .it means you veins are near the surface of skin ,,you will know this so when your heart pumps you will feel it mre does that make sense your pulse is very good indeed saying what you you have to get them from docs...

30-10-09, 17:44
Im no body builder :P i was just making a wee joke lol sorry. but i do have a very muscular neck and shoulders.

I might give them a go but i would rather keep away from them.

It just my neck has been sore today and its just kinda started my anxiety . I just need to stay calm .

Just feels like my neck is swollen back of my head cheeks and jaw .

I just cant stop thing about things ! grrr is drives me loopy some times!

30-10-09, 17:51
you monkey dont worry about your neck its all to do with anxiety we all get pains we all think the worst ,even me and like i said i was nurse in act worse i saw so much ,,be strong stay calm