View Full Version : left arm tightness, but not anxious??

30-10-09, 17:34
I dont feel anxious or anything today, but in the last hour my left arm at the top feels tight and achey, and sort of throbbing, it doesnt hurt but i feel like i need to massage it.
Does anybody else get this even tho they arent feeling anxious?? Im starting to worry that its my heart because of it on the left side.

Debs x

30-10-09, 18:57
I still have this tightness in my left arm, becoming more anxious now, im having some left sided pains near my breast now......because im worrying???
Feeling scared about it all......anyone??

Debs x

30-10-09, 19:29
hi dont be scared whats the pain like is it a stabbing pain or an ache ,,does it come and go please reply

30-10-09, 19:37
where are you debs come back

30-10-09, 19:38
Its like a dull ache, it does come and go, but i feel the need to keep rubbing it (this is in my arm) The pains in my chest near my breast are a sort of pinching feeling, but not sharp....what could it be?

30-10-09, 19:48
have you lifted anything heavy sounds like a strain pain to me ,,if its in your muscle.. as for your chest thats sounds like because your worried about your arm you have anxiety kicking in ..i was a nurse if it was your heart it wouldnt be like this i suggest have a nice warm bath relax ,,i am sure in the morning it will have gone dont worry ,,,but i you dont feel happy in yourself or pain gets worse just ring doc and ask him ,,but i dont think it will love maggy

30-10-09, 19:50
Oh Maggy thank you for replying, i think ur right i think my worrying is making it all worse. But as u say if im not happy with it or it gets worse i will definatley ring the gp, thank you again xx

30-10-09, 19:53
your welcome you will be ok ,watch bit of telly love ,ok let me know tomorrow i know you will say its ok eat box of chocs ,lol xxxxxxxxx