View Full Version : Panic eating

07-11-05, 12:40
Does anyone feel the need to eat something when they feel a panic attack coming? This all began when i read an article about low blood sugar and as it has similar symptoms to anxiety i beleived that i needed to eat to keep myself ok. If i dont eat every 2-3 hours especially in the mornings i get terrified i am going to collapse. If im overly anxious during the night i keep on waking to eat and it always has to be brown bread and butter! When i feel the symptoms coming on my first reaction is always " i need to eat NOW!!" as soon as i eat the panic subsides. Does anyone think this may have become a habit? I have had bloods tests done at gps to cancel out any other illnesses. They all came back normal.I would be interested to hear if anyone else is like this. I dont think its comfort eating cos when i get the urge to eat it is so intense. Please help! By the way I eat healthily for my meals - its the in between times.

07-11-05, 13:39

yes for past 2 years i've been eating rich tea biscuits. everytime i feel anxious (which is most of the time, ha), i have to eat these. it doesnt matter where i am. it like a comfort r safety thing to me cos thats wot i had in my hand the first time i was able to get outside. also a bottle of water.

it may seem strange but it works for me. maybe it has something to do with the chewing action r something trying to take your mind off it. but if i have none, i panic even more.


lin x

07-11-05, 13:49
hi darkangel

I get this too, im always eating lol. I have a fast metabolism and so get hypoglycaemic very easily if i dont eat properly. Not eating is a sure way of making me feel anxious!

My anxiety can be very connected to what i eat, if i eat something thats not healthy and substantial i worry about whether it is enough, and whether it will cause low blood sugar symptoms. Low blood sugar symptoms can be anything from: irritability, shakiness, feeling weak, dizziness, visual disturbances and dp, clumsiness etc etc

I can tell the difference between true anxiety and low blood sugar and just eat something substantial when im getting hypoglycaemic. But when it first started happening i used to eat something at the start of every panic attack lol, but you will get used to it.

Try looking into a low GI diet, or low blood sugar diet, they can help stabilise your blood sugar and means you dont get the symptoms of hypoglycaemia

Good luck

Alice x

07-11-05, 14:08
I am like this as well, which is why I've gained 2 stones since suffering from panic attacks and anxiety. I always find that eating is a very good distraction, i.e.if I'm feeling panicky, I eat something and it helps me forget about my panic. Maybe you could try to make your snacks healthy, too. Have fruit and veg..:D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

10-11-05, 17:13
I find this as well. If I don't snack between meals I can feel 'pale' (if that makes sense) and feel I need food quick before I pass out.

I hear bananas are a good sauce of food, especially for anxiety people, something about the slow release of sugars and they are an energy food. I always have one at about 10am which keeps me going until lunch time.

Good luck.

10-11-05, 17:54
*Does anyone think this may have become a habit?*

Yes but I've heard of worse habits as acutely anxious peole do need to eat more frequently especially in the mornings...

Try to keep it under control though by deciding what snacks you can have and keep it to them .. ie a banana, a yoghurt, a small handful of nuts and fruit etc.

Its little and often which is best so also compensate by having smaller meals.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

10-11-05, 18:04
I have found that if I don't eat at regular intervals I start to feel foggy,sluggish, and shaky. You know the great before panic symptoms. If I eat something when I start to feel that way, I have no idea why but it makes me feel better.


If the world didn't suck... we'd all fall off :)

11-11-05, 08:46
my downfall was lucozade when i first got anxiety. i could literally drink 8 a day. everytime i panicked i had one (because they're fast release) and im still battling to lose the extra weight now.

im currently dieting atm but have learnt im more anxious when hungry so for me its simply panic attacks.

all the best rachelx

Sue K with 5
12-11-05, 20:05
Hi ya

Always have a bottle of orange juice or water on you and a snack bar like a special K bar and it helps a lot! I have a similar thing ! thought I had to eat to avoid panic! turns out I just have to eat to stop the head from feeling spinny when I am shopping or getting stressed out with the kids

Take care

Sue with 5


13-11-05, 17:28
Thanks everyone for all your replies. Last night I was out at the pub with my boyfriend and i ate my dinner at 5.30pm. I went out at 8pm and had a slice of toast before i left the house just in case. By 11pm i started to get anxious and i knew if i had something to eat i would be better. I was scared to get off the bar stool incase i passed out and ther anxiety was bveginning to take over. Anyway we left and i got back to my car and drove him home and we sat and chatted for about an hour and i didnt have something to eat until after 12 and this has proved to me that it isnt the food that knocks the edge of my panic it is my thoughts. I used distraction and focussed on other things and the anxiety feelings did subside eventually. I think it had become a habit the need to eat every few hours.
Take care everyone
Darkangel x