View Full Version : Complete Right Bundle Branch Block

30-10-09, 19:20
Just had an ecg and this what came up. Doc gonna have me do an 24 hour ecg and speak to a cardiologist.

He said its not uncommon & the cardiologist may say no treatment needed & send me on my way.

Anyone else have this at all and agree with this?

30-10-09, 19:49
Try this...


30-10-09, 20:01
BBB are really common, since the post of mine Nic linked I've learnt a bit more. If an ECG shows a BBB then additional tests are required as it can be a sign of other things. But, in the vast majority of cases it's harmless and hasn't come about because of anything else.

Just so you don't worry there, when I say 'other' things I mean things you'd almost certainly already be aware of in which case the BBB would be incidental and not the primary concern.

In my case I had an echo done shortly before the ECG and that was normal so by the time I'd had the ECG results showing the BBB the consultant at the hospital had already given me a clean bill of health.

BBB aren't much to worry about, especially on the right side, so go see the cardiologist and he'll probably say get on with your life and ignore it.


30-10-09, 20:18
cheers all. Was a little nervous about it.

31-10-09, 08:20
BBB are really common, since the post of mine Nic linked I've learnt a bit more. If an ECG shows a BBB then additional tests are required as it can be a sign of other things. But, in the vast majority of cases it's harmless and hasn't come about because of anything else.

Just so you don't worry there, when I say 'other' things I mean things you'd almost certainly already be aware of in which case the BBB would be incidental and not the primary concern.

In my case I had an echo done shortly before the ECG and that was normal so by the time I'd had the ECG results showing the BBB the consultant at the hospital had already given me a clean bill of health.

BBB aren't much to worry about, especially on the right side, so go see the cardiologist and he'll probably say get on with your life and ignore it.


Chris, what did they put ur palpitations down too? I get them too, though i reckon its more from adrenaline than this. Also in the last 2 weeks ive had 2 episodes of bad ectopic beats. Ie. they'd start in an evening, i couldnt count my pulse as id have one every few beats and last till the end of the following day (so far). Only had 2 episodes like this.

SO I do wonder if this is a factor and what the treatment is.....or am i just worrying too much.

31-10-09, 09:10
You're worrying too much :)

I guess that might come across as a little facetious. My palpitations were caused by anxiety, the periods of ectopics are caused by anxiety.

Put it another way, I had a BBB when I anxious and had palpitations, I'm no longer anxious and am getting on with life and I still have BBB but no palpitations. I guarantee I still have ecptopics too as they oocur with everyone but as I'm not anxious I don't notice them.

Worrying about it will cause you to have the problems in the first place and when you're anxious your might will follow its own logic and say therefore that it's the BBB that's the problem.

Unless you've had a heart attack, heart failure or heart damage from other cause, which you'd almost certainly already be aware of, BBB, especially Right BBB are, to quote a doctor here:
"...RBBB has no apparent medical significance, and can be written off as a “normal variant,” and safely ignored."

You've probably had it for years and not even known about it. Do the 24 hour monitor etc, ensure there's not an underlying cause (which as I've already said are often obvious) and stop worrying. Even if the BBB were causing some ectopics beats they're harmless... worrying about it won't make the BBB worse, but worrying about it will make your anxiety worse meaning you'll have more symptoms you want to attribute to the harmless BBB!


31-10-09, 10:27
Hi Peter

I have had partial right bundle branch block for probably all of my life, I have had palpitations all of my life too. I have been told that it is a normal variant and there is nothing to worry about, it is very common.

The only problem I have is that there are underlying causes for BBB, so to put your mind at rest ask the cardiologist if he thinks an underlying problem has caused the BBB, you need re-assurance and the correct information and you will worry about it until you get that information.

I have suffered from a very slow heart rate of 36 BPM that is when I was told I had Partial RBBB, I was worried the same as you so I completely understand it is natural to worry.

Ask the questions and then it will put your mind at rest, please follow the link below to an article that may help; http://www.bbc.co.uk/health/ask_the_doctor/bundlebranch.shtml

Take care
Helen x

31-10-09, 21:13
cheers guys. ill try and calm down.