View Full Version : Finally got my GAD Dx with tension ha - new meds, Lyrica, bit worried...

30-10-09, 23:56
Hey guys. So saw psych today. Got my much needed GAD dx. New meds, lyrica. Now terrified of weight gain after seeing so much on google of like 50+lbs gain! Not much in medication section on this so thought i'd ask on here. Anybody on it? Got chubby? Lol... Spoken to two people who have said no gain but my GAD obviously tells me otherwise... Kind words really needed x :shrug:

sarah jayne
31-10-09, 08:13
Im on it but have only been so for 2 weeks. I havent put on any weight so far, if anything i have lost it as my appetite has gone. To be honest im not bothered if i put any on as long as the meds make me feel better.
Sarah x

31-10-09, 09:44
Thanks hun. How are they making you feel? I felt high from the first last nite so prob wouldn't of eaten and I couldn't sleep... Are they helping your headaches as that's the main reason i'm on them, primary to the GAD. I ended up taking a sleeping tablet and freaking they'd interact. :(

sarah jayne
31-10-09, 11:52
Im on them for headaches aswell. Ive still got the headache but its not as painful as it was. I had to cut my dose down last week because of the side effects, im gradually building it up again...they havent helped with my anxiety yet, not at all but im hoping they will sonn.
Sarah x

31-10-09, 23:13
Mine is def more for headache. I did go on Amitryptaline for a few days but Psych said as Dathiapen didn't work - ami may not either... so onto preg... I do hope it works. What dose you on? I am on 2 x 75mg a day but only taking 1 at night for a few days...

sarah jayne
01-11-09, 09:53
I was on 3 x 50 a day but ive cut it down to 2 x 50 a day as i didnt like the side effects.
Sarah x

01-11-09, 11:10
What were your side effects??

sarah jayne
01-11-09, 12:15
dizziness, feeling sick and a sore chest x

01-11-09, 14:32
I felt wierd after first one but that was it. I have been off balance for ages with anxiety so have noticed no difference really. So, they have helped your headaches? What type do you have? x x

sarah jayne
01-11-09, 14:58
my headaches still here but its not as bad as it was. Im not really sure what type of headache it is, the doctor said it could be a tension headache or it could be from trapped nerves in my neck. Ive had this headache everyday for over 3 months and have tried everything to get rid of it but nothing seems to be working :( x

01-11-09, 18:30
Same here - 3 months - what does yours feel like? Mine is a pressure/sqeezing dull ache - at back of head and temples. I also have pain in my Jaw and seeing dentist on monday for an impression for a splint to wear at night as he thinks I am clenching at night (hence headaches - who knows) and that it may be a small case of TMJ - would explain a lot.

Do you take anything else apart from the Lyrica? Have u had a scan? x

sarah jayne
01-11-09, 19:09
My headaches like a pressure in my temples and at the back of the head, sometimes its only on one side, its awful. I would do anything to feel 'normal' again. All im taking for it at the moment is the lyrica, paracetomol and ibropophen. Ive tried allsorts but nothing has worked. I havent had a scan, my doctor doesnt seem to think i need one, i wish i could have one then it would put my mind at rest cause it awful not knowing whats causing it.
Sarah x

02-11-09, 21:38
Exactly how my head feels!!! Demand a scan - say you feel that not allowing you one is adding to your anxiety disorder. Either that, or go to a and e and say you've bumped your head and have a horrendous HA, that way you will get an immediate scan!!! I only know as I fell 6/7 weeks back and had to have a trip to a and e and got a scan! x