View Full Version : What to do?

31-10-09, 01:25
Yesterday was my first time on here. I wrote a post and had a few responses(which I GREATLY appreciate). Today was an ok day........didn't have to work so I think thats when i'm normally the most calm, when i'm just at home. I can leave my house just fine, my anxiety though gets the best of me when I have to be a passenger in a vehicle and when I know that I have to go around people I know. I don't believe I have social phobia because I have no fear of going into very crowded places, my fear is more of going around people I know, like to someones house or out to dinner. That makes me VERY anxious and i feel like I'm holding myself back in life. I guess I get more anxious at these times because I'm afraid that if i'm with people I know and I need to leave very quickly I either won't be able too, or if I do they will all look at me like I'm crazy. When I'm just in a crowded area, I know that If I leave noone would even notice. I hope that all makes sense. I have to work tom. which is ok with me to a point. For the first time in a few months I can look forward to going to work. I do in home health care(cna) so I have been to my patients house many times, so I feel very comfortable there unless their family starts showing up, then I feel a little uncomfortable. If I go to a new patients home that I have never worked with I feel very very anxious all the way until I get there and can calm myself down in the situation. I always wounder though am I ever going to have my life back? I need my life back so bad I can't stand it. I use to work 2 full time jobs, 80 hrs a week no sleep, lived on my own(before me and my boyfriend moved in together) I was very independant, i just don't know what happened to make me this way. I do have other health problems which started when I was about 15. I have an illness called gastroparesis(if anyone know what that is). Back to my point. I just want that life back. I have an amazing supportive boyfriend who works VERY hard. I feel like i'm not doing my part in the relationship when it comes to money which makes me feel very ashamed of myself. I want to give us the life, that he is working so hard to give us. I want to be that happy, bubbly, outgoing woman again! I just don't know how. Success stories are always a HUGE help! I just like to hear that people have concured this! Thanks so much for reading!

18-01-10, 22:36
I think that I'm understanding your situation. When you become anxious around people, is it like you want them to like you type thing and you want to say the right things??