View Full Version : Dont know what I've got

31-10-09, 09:51
I usually post on the health anx bit but dont know whether its anxiety or depression, most likely both. I started off worrying about my teeth which have been, and still are, giving me trouble and now I'm depressed about all the worrying and its making me ill. I have no appetite, dont want to see anybody and find it very hard distracting myself. I feel so guilty about it as I have two kids and its not fair on them. I have spent hours on this and other webistes looking for answers and support as I cant/dont want to talk to friends and family about this. I cant talk about it without crying anyway. I'm not on any meds and dont want to be so I am trying to sort myself out. So thats me. Any support would be appreciated - although dont be too nice as it will make me cry lol.

31-10-09, 12:15
Sorry to find that you are not doing well, is there a dentist you could go see to maybe make your teeth feel better? Anxiety and depression sometimes go hand in hand. You can get depressed because you cant figure out what is wrong and you so desperatly want to feel better. It is ok to cry, we all do it even if its buckets. I did it for 6 months. I always wanted to know where all the tears were coming from there were so many. I read that you have family and friends, maybe you should try and talk to them because a support system goes a long way to getting better. Sometimes it gets to be too much to do on our own. I wish I could give you answers but I cant, I can be here for you though. I know this is hard especially with kids but there will be a light at the end of the tunnel. try an take a few minutes each day to spend with the kids even if your mind is somewhere else. It will make them feel better and ease some of your guilt. Take care

31-10-09, 12:41
i think you struggling ,,why struggle when you can get something from the Doctor for do it for yourself most impotent for your children all drugs arent bad in fact some very good i was like you didn't want tablets but in the end had no option my family were suffering a lot it isnt fare is it ..you cant help the way you feel i know its awful but please see Doctor even if its for some mild tabs xxxx

31-10-09, 12:55

I felt like you 3 years ago. i dont like taking med, its takes me ages to give in and take a painkiller for a headache. I fought hard against my dr advise on taking meds. I dont like putting things in my body that i dont need.

I finally had to admit that i couldn't do it on my own and took the meds. After a month i could feelmy old self returning. I hate to admit it but the dr was right i needed them in the same way a diabetic needs insulin. It is a chemical deficiency in the body that can make it a struggle to fight anx/depression on your own. So to level that deficiency out sometime its best to take the med. I was surprised how many people actually take them. Theres no stigma to it any more. Most people i have spoken to have needed them at some point.

Hope your feeling brighter soon x


31-10-09, 13:09
I usually post on the health anx bit but dont know whether its anxiety or depression, most likely both. I started off worrying about my teeth which have been, and still are, giving me trouble and now I'm depressed about all the worrying and its making me ill. I have no appetite, dont want to see anybody and find it very hard distracting myself. I feel so guilty about it as I have two kids and its not fair on them. I have spent hours on this and other webistes looking for answers and support as I cant/dont want to talk to friends and family about this. I cant talk about it without crying anyway. I'm not on any meds and dont want to be so I am trying to sort myself out. So thats me. Any support would be appreciated - although dont be too nice as it will make me cry lol.

Hi, im no expert, but it sounds like your are on a downer, have you been checked out for postnatal depression, if you have two young kids, it could be that, if you dont want tabs, to help you, then try the other positive thinking, and good food, with exercise, but even the best person needs some form of tablets to help them when they are so weakend by everthing, that a short spell on somthing can make the difference, and give your body and mind that breathing space to recover a littler, until you are strong enough, to take up the reigns again, i hope that helps, but as you will read you are not alone, with how you feel, but, just dont guess, the problem, seek medical advice, then take the appropriate actions, once you have done this first step, you will feel, better and you just watch the weight lift, from you when you know what the real problem is, we are not docs, but we all went to them, for that initial diagnosis, its from their, that progress in recovery is made. chin up girl:)

01-11-09, 01:35
You have anxiety and depression all the classic symptoms..Your post was ,don't know what I've got.. now you do.. lol.. Don't worry it will get better and you will beat this .take care

01-11-09, 10:20
Thank you all for your replies. I feel slightly better at the moment although I can be a bit up and down throughout the day. I have been going to a dentist (its a long story) but I am going to a different one (my old one who I left a few years ago) and I hope he will be able to tell me whats going on and get things sorted out, even if he tells me nothing is wrong. Earliest appoint is 2 and a half weeks away so I will be tied in knots until then. I cant believe things have got this bad over a simple case of toothache, and not bad pain at all! The last time I was on anti-depressants was 8 years ago and that was triggered off by a couple of health issues as well.

I find it really hard to talk to family and friends about this because I find it embarassing to admit that I am in such a state over something that anybody else would just shrug off and get on with things. Nobody knows what I am really like except hubby and I dont want to keep going on to him about it as its not fair. Anyway, he is so understanding and nice about it that I just cry when I do try and discuss things.

Thanks once again for listening, at least I have you all to talk to. I am going to try and pick myself up, hang on until my appointment and if not, go to the docs and get some help.


01-11-09, 22:59

Toothache can be a big worry. You're lucky to have an understanding husband to talk to. Crying doesn't do any harm and it's nothing to feel guilty about.
I hope your Doctor can help you when the appointment comes. If you feel the need for them, meds can be a great help in moments of crisis. Nobody likes taking them and they all have side-effects but they can be better than nothing.

All the best