View Full Version : Having a rough day. HELP

31-10-09, 10:59
Lastnight I went out with a few old friends, First time I've been out in a pub in several years, I had a really good night but got slightly drunk, woke at the crack of dawn this morning unable to get back to sleep still drunk, but as the day has went on I have sobered up and have got very anxious, first time I have felt like this for a long time, I had my anxiety under control, Its hard to sit at peace, I feel very unedge and unable to relax. My mrs is going out for the day so i'll be home alone and my head is filled with scarey thoughts like "What if I freak out and go mad, there will be no one around to help me"

Any advice would be very much appreciated

31-10-09, 14:08
hi this will pass alcohol does this makes anxiety a thousand times worse , the more you worry also the worse it will get try to relax easier said than done i know but just wanted to reassure you it is alcohol doing it nothing bad hope you feel better soon

31-10-09, 14:44
hi this will pass alcohol does this makes anxiety a thousand times worse , the more you worry also the worse it will get try to relax easier said than done i know but just wanted to reassure you it is alcohol doing it nothing bad hope you feel better soon

Thanks Amanda, I fell asleep on the sofa and really do feel alot better now, still not 100%, only about 70% but I'm getting there, I'll be in no rush to do that again.

01-11-09, 07:33
If i go out (which isn't offten) i always end up knocking the red wine back , it makes me feel good,makes me relax an stops me feeling anxious. I can down nearly 2 bottles which is not good at all !
The next day i will spend in bed ( nearly all day) as my anxiety go's through the roof and i will just lay there feeling so bad that i would do anything for it to go away , i'd be shaking !
it usualy lasts 24-36 hrs
i don't drink like that now , i'd rather not go out than feel like that the next day

x xx

01-11-09, 07:45
Hope you are feeling a bit calmer now, I also went out with girlfriends that I met through a social group last night. I only drank hot drinking chocolate in the pub, but still woke up with the usual jolt and those feelings of anxiety hit. Hence why I'm on here this morning. I got worse cos computer started to freeze. Look forward to a morning that I wake in peace.

01-11-09, 14:31
Thanks for all you help guys, I feel really really great today and have learn't my lesson:yesyes: I did not feel great at all yesterday, thought I was going to crack up to be honest, not a nice feeling at all. I am going to have a nice relaxing day watching comedy movies, Any for Marley & Me?

Sharon, something I have noticed chocolate gives me a come down effect and makes me feel anxious, I tend to avoid the stuff add to that you where probably out late and didn't get the correct sleep, Relax today and remember it will pass, as Claire Weekes syas "Float with it"