View Full Version : The Dizzy Spells

31-10-09, 12:49
Anxiety is throwing alot of light head moments at me these days.

Has anyone got anything To counter and numb down these effects?

31-10-09, 18:33
Hi Andylan

I hate the dizzies. I have always had them with anx. but also recently diagnosed with Labyrnthitis ( inner ear prob) which also makes you seem really off balance and light headed. often when moving ur head or getting up from a laying down position. I would mention them to the doc so he can rule out an ear prob. if he says they are not then you will have to try and ignore them (try) being the operative word! like we all do with our panic symptoms. Symptoms is all they are at the end of the day. I am really trying to fight it at the moment..

31-10-09, 18:35
Correct breathing will help it

jude uk
01-11-09, 04:27
I agree that correct breathing is the answer. We tend to over-breathe and are not aware of it, therefore we become light headed/dizzy.