View Full Version : Feeling like every one knows my business

31-10-09, 13:38
This is something i hate feeling, its also been going on for several years, and that may sound daft, is it paranoya?, but it dosent matter where i go, i always feel like ive no privacy, its not nice, even when i go to the shops or for a meal, i feel like im being watched, or that my conversations are being listend to. i also feel that im aware of every one around me, and this was somthing that comes from anxiety, i know, but as for thinking or feeling like i have no privacy, im not sure where that comes from can you help?:unsure:

31-10-09, 14:03
Hi Ladychenet,

What you are describing sound like you have social anxiety. The fear of being observed by others is at the heart of the condition. And you are right it's very similar to paranoia, but unlike paranoia the negative thoughts are caused by anxiety.

Hope that is of some help.

John :hugs: