View Full Version : Can anyone tell me if these are symptoms of anxiety?

31-10-09, 18:05
I'll give a little background first:

A few months ago I woke with panic attacks twice, for no reason, no trigger or anything. I didn't even know they were panic attacks at the time. After that two months passed with no symptoms of anything.

About two months ago I started having all the symptoms in the book. Weakness, jelly legs, adrenaline flushes, heart palpitations, raised BP, shakiness, among others. Basically everything listed on the symptoms page on this site.

In the middle somewhere I developed what I have now and I don't know if it's related to anxiety. All of the other symptoms dropped off one by one, but this has been consistent for two months now:

It started as dizziness/lightheadedness with a feeling of loss of balance. It was more difficult walking, I stumbled and was clumsy and couldn't walk in a straight line. I'm not sure if that was reduced of if it's been so prolonged now that I've gotten used to it. What I'm left with still is a feeling of tightness/heaviness and pressure in my head, and ringing in both ears. This is something that will not go away even though I have no other symptoms of anxiety left. It sort of feels like my scalp is tight, or my brain is being squeezed. And I don't understand why my ears would ring for such a prolonged period of time. Anyone else experience this or can provide some insight into this? All of this is new to me and I can't tell the difference between anxiety symptoms and a medical problem anymore. I don't know if it's something that'll work itself out or if I should continue seeing a doctor/neurologist to figure it out.

31-10-09, 18:23
hard to say really it sounds very much like symptoms you get with anxiety, i've had everything you've mentioned, but i always get other symptoms with it but not always at the same time, my ears ring almost everynight when its quiet and im in bed, i even had a dizy spell once where i couldn't even walk straight or stand up, dunno if it was anxiety though but i was fine when i woke up the next day but i do often feel light headed and dizzy, i'd say it most likely is anxiety as different people have different symptoms worse than others, keep seeing your doctor and get tests to rule eveything else out and if it is just anxiety its should subside eventually.

01-11-09, 12:51
My answer would be a definite YES!
This particular symptom was the worst and most prolonged out of all the syptoms I suffered from, and believe me, like you, I had them all LOL!
I was bedridden for three weeks with the dizziness. The constant feeling of being off balance was sooo annoying. I had the tight scalp thingy too and headaches, buzzing in the ears, noise intolerance etc
Accepting is the key, the more you focus on the syptoms the more you feed its control over you. Don't fight it, just shrug it off as another anxiety symptom. I decided personally that going back to the doctors again and again wasn't going to help me overcome anxiety in the long term. I had all the tests, they came back ok, I needed to find a way through it myself. Claire Weekes!!!
I have been enjoying the new me for 6 months now, I can actually leave the house by myself without feeling any panic or anxiety, which for me is a first!

01-11-09, 17:40

Yeah those particular symptoms are the only ones that have plagued me for about 8 weeks straight. All of the others would come and go or be temporary. Did you take any medication to help you recover? When my anxiety was at it's worst, I took Xanax once a night just to help me sleep and relax, and it worked, then I stopped taking it. It got me to sleep and then after I stopped taking the Xananx I felt even better. I tried Zoloft, but it made everything a million times worse, so I stopped it. I think I may rely solely on cbt and talk therapy.

01-11-09, 17:51
i agree it is probably anxiety ,,but what you could have an ear infection as this can cause the symtoms also ,let the docter check your ears if it is that he will give you med to stop dizzy feelig and buzzing in the ears ,,dont worry you will be ok xx