View Full Version : Poem about anxiety

31-10-09, 20:46
About the spaced out feeling/fog that I feel

Looking up all seems dull
My mind is numb my thoughts are full
Im changed I say
My mind at least
In disaray
With disbelif
How change can come out of the blue
And throw a cork in all you knew
Make life a place not much the same
And it is filled with unreal pain
Unreal because our thoughts construct
The veil of fog around our love
Our love of life the simple things
The loss of love it truly stings
Yet in this cycle of fear and doubt
The lack of hope and faith about
Reality and normalcy
Which In this fog are hard to see
But when the veil lifts lightly up
I like to think that were in luck
Although all this pain and fear
There is light at the end of each tear
That perhaps the fog that veils our lives
Unveils the truth once in disguise
That happiness is simply
Waking up and feeling free
For now one thing rings enternally clear
Life is short so hold it dear

31-10-09, 20:59
Fantastic x

31-10-09, 21:04
"There is light at the end of each tear"

Sincerely & honestly the best line of poetry related to anxiety i have ever seen.

Great work, thehockyplayer :)

Take Care


31-10-09, 22:30
Thanks guys greatly appreciated!!:)