View Full Version : Balance and Vertigo

01-11-09, 08:29
This morning i woke up and tried to get out of bed but could not for i almost fainted i fellt really of balance and tried walking around for a bit and it whent away and then whent back to sleep then i woke up the second time seriously off balance could not walk that good just kept felling like i was going to fall over the other night i did fell intense preasure in both my ears i read on the net that various problems in the brain such as a stroke can cause balance problems.Now ive had alot of health anxitey over heart atacks and Strokes for a while now but im starting to fell real symptoms i know 14 is such a young age but im scared any help?:shrug:

01-11-09, 12:40
I suffered really badly with dizziness and that weird sensation of wanting to fall over to the extreme! It was sooooo bad I was actually bedridden for three weeks. Guess what? It was only one of the many symptoms of anxiety that I suffered from for about five months, but it was the worst symptom. Its hard to battle with the mind demons who are trying to make you think the worst, but in my case and hopefully yours, it will go away. This website was a great help to me, talking to others etc. Accepting anxiety is the hardest thing to do, fighting it doesnt help. I found that accepting every bloomin symptom it threw at me made it weaker and me stronger. I now have a new life and a new me, which is brilliant! I still have off days, but then I am 43 and nearing a certain time of life called the menopause LOL!
If you haven't already, read Claire Weekes books, they are a real inspiration and a great help.