View Full Version : from5mg of cit to 10mg help

01-11-09, 11:41
been on 5mg on cit and side affects were pretty bad but wore off after 2 wks now i am into day 4 of 10mg and my panic attack seems really bad im so low and fed up with this now will this get better and is this normal x

01-11-09, 12:18
Ive been on and off citalopram for about 6 years!
Over the last 6 months i've been from 20mg onto 40mg, but now back down to 20mg as i manage my anxiety with cbt.
The side effects of citalopram for me can range from feeling nausea,loss of appetite,increased libido (and other sexual changes)...but like yourself when i changed to a higher dose or to a lower dose i had mood swings, sleeping problems, heightened anxiety ( felt worse ) but after a week the body adjusts to the changes. Hang on for a few more days, you will start to feel better.

01-11-09, 12:47
thankyou for ya reply im just so desparate at the minute so fed up with feeling pretty rough i also cannot eat anything prob why im feeling worse whn i was on the 5mg my appeteite was pretty good but with 10mg i have to force food into me

01-11-09, 13:44
i hit that when i went to 15mg for about 6 days felt awful but now i feel so much better than i have in ages keep going the side effects will go

01-11-09, 19:23
thankyou for ya replys its keeping me going worst ever day today cant evan leave the house x