View Full Version : Embarressing Toilet issue.... sorry....

01-11-09, 12:27
Hello everyone!

Ive got a very embarressing toilet problem that has been bothering me for about 2 months now.....

I shall not beat around the bush and just go right ahead and explain what is wrong with me....

I have had very soft smelly stools that seem more of a very yellow brown colour as well as awful flatulance. The stools have no shape and they are just a few levels above dihorrea.
I have given a stool sample at the doctors and it showed no blood or infection. But thats all the stool sample tests for.

The other day I experienced an almost burning pain in the top right back side of my body (almost liver area). That may have been back pain or something else because i could also feel it at the front of my body.

I am also experiencing tiredness and a huge lack of energy. I tend to come home from my lectures at uni and sleep for a couple of hours and then I will have no problem sleeping at night.
I am also aware that occasionally, mostly in the evenings, I get a bit of heartburn and what i feel to be acid reflux I can feel at the back of my throat.

All these problems may or may not be unrelated but its concerning me.
If anyone else is familiar with these issues then I would be very grateful or to hear your opinions.

Many thanks.

01-11-09, 13:27
i was a nurse 15 years when did you take sample in ,,it sounds as thou you could have an infection in your liver,,, i would talk to the docter again to make sure

01-11-09, 15:25
I took the sample in a fornight ago. The results came back a week ago. It showed no infection. This problem has been going on for over a month.

01-11-09, 15:37
has it got more yellow.. since then i ask as you seem more worried

01-11-09, 16:46
Hi I had symptoms very like yours I always said I had a "sensitive" tummy as any greasy foods or gravy etc had me rushing to the loo. I was eventually diagnosed with gallstones afer a few bouts of really bad pain in the right hand side of the upper abdomen radiating through to the right hand upper back. The yellowish motions are caused by bile in the gut,if the gallbladder is not performing properly due to gallstones. I had mine removed by keyhole surgery in April this year,and although I am free of the pain waking me up,I still tend to have to rush to the loo,and there is now a lot of bile in my stomach as its not being stored in the gallbladder. I had jaundice years ago,and one of the symptoms of liver disease is dark urine and very pale almost white,offensive motions.if your results have come back clear for liver disease,and you are experiencing pain in the upper abdomen/back,it might be worthwhile to ask your doctor to arrange an ultrasound to check for gallstones.

01-11-09, 17:44
Hi there

I couldnt believe my eyes as I read your post. I could have written this myself. The only difference is that I get a pain on the left side aswell. This has been my problem since giving birth in July 2008. I have been to my doctor so many times that I cant remember how many. I have had every test going including an ultrasound for gallstones which came back clear. Does anyone have any suggestions for me please Im at my wits end with this. I never know when the toilet issue might strike and the pain I just dont know what to do any more :( Thank you so much I hope someone has a suggestion for me. Chris

01-11-09, 18:51
thanks for all your replies. the pain is not that bad. its like mild trapped wind. i dont appear jaundice and my urine output seems okish, maybe a bit on the dark side. i have urine analysis dipsticks that i pinched off one of my wards i worked on and my urine is fine. the main issue is the yellowish stools, itchy anus (may be unrelated) and tiredness is really starting to get me down. my pains are mild at the moment. i will go back to my gp this week for further tests. the fact that my pain is on the right side worries me.

01-11-09, 21:48
I am no doctor but I think I have gone through what you are talking about and was related to IBS. From what I understand, the color and the consistency of your stool is formed near the end of the trip through the colon. If your stool is traveling too quickly through the colon, then it doesn't have time to get darker or firm up. This could be IBS related. What helps me is taking a daily fiber supplement. It firms up the loose times and softens the constipated times. I will warn you that you may experience some mild flank pain the first few days using fiber. This may help firm you up and help the color too. Good luck.