View Full Version : Anyone had to go into psychiatric care,,,can you tell me what to expect

01-11-09, 13:11
Hi all ive been suffering bad with anxiety and depression for a few years. The last three to four months everything has gotten worse until ive became almost paralysed or disabled by it. My psychiatrist is mentioning hospitalisation now. I have my fears and I just wondered if anyone who has been to psychiatric ward might want to share their thoughts and experiences. Thank you to all who take time to reply xxx

01-11-09, 13:15
Hi Janni,

Sorry I don't know much about a psychiatric hospital admission personally, but it's a pity you can't be managed at home? Your psychiatrist obviously thinks it will benefit you so I suppose you can only take their advice. I really hope this works for you and your life turns a corner:hugs:
Myra x

01-11-09, 13:57
Hi janni

I thought you were going to tell your cpn you needed cbt? shout from the rooftops it you have to. You dont want to go into hospital. Think about it hun, you will lose complete control of what happens to you in there. You will probably be sedated and stuffed on pills. You dont need that. We have all felt like hospital is the only way forward but its not. Make a plan to try to do something each day even if, like last week it was to take a bath. Set yourself a goal like i am going to walk to the front door, open it and look out or i will take 5 steps into the garden. Anything. The support on here is fab but you need to contribute to your recovery by DOING stuff too.

I was in a day hospital once. That was good. We all supported each other like on here and we did craft and relaxation and stuff. It was safe. While i was there, people from the wards would come down shuffling and bewildered. It was heartbreaking. YOU ARE NOT LIKE THEM! You have an anxiety disorder and you need meds and therapy. Its no puzzle. You will not benefit from the wards and unless you are a danger to yourself i doubt if they will even admit you. You are NOT crazy.

I hope i dont sound harsh because i could cry for you, but we all hurt as much as you. You are no worse, honestly. That is part of the condition. Check the forums of people asking if they are worse than everyone. We all feel it.

Get a plan you can manage Janni, the cat needs you at home.
Huge hugs XXXXX You can do this!

01-11-09, 14:02
Very good advice nutteetart. I would agree with you. The very thought of going into a psychiatric hospital depresses me. Janni, yes, please ask your doctor for all the help you can have in the community - they should be providing that anyway - they get paid enough!!

01-11-09, 14:12
Definitely Myra, though the system is severely lacking where i am. Even more reason to shout as loud as you can. If you cant shout, get someone that will. Your CPN needs a kick up the bum for starters. She knows you cant get out for help. Fight for yourself like you would a friend. If like me you cant even phone sometimes, then write to them. Fight for yourself girl!

01-11-09, 22:15
Hi Janni I don't know what has been happening with you but I disagree with the previous posters. I have been an in patient in a psychiatric unit. I have had in patient treatment both on the NHS and privately. I was offered treatment at a point like yourself where my anxiety and depression had got to a point where I was no longer caring for myself. I had strong suicidal urges, paranoia and other extreme symptoms. I was losing touch with reality.The in patient units provided the asylum that I needed and the care but also group therapy which continued when I left. I did not notice anyone shuffling their feet! We were given drugs and the emphasis was on rehabilitation and on going support. I was not institutionalised. If I became that ill again that I needed that sort of support then I would almost certainly ask to be admitted. I am assuming that you will be going in as a voluntary patient? Take care it is a big step to take to admit that you need that level of support. If you have any other questions please PM me.

01-11-09, 22:49
Thank you Elisabeth for giving Janni some positive feedback :)

The prospect of being admitted to a psychiatric unit is daunting enough without hearing scare stories.

Personally, I know of many people who although didn't want psychiatric care, found it a positive experience and immensely helpful - I just wish a few would post to back me up and reassure Janni before tomorrow :blush:

01-11-09, 23:56
When I realised I needed to go into a psychiatric hospital six years ago I was very worried of what it was going to be like. I needn't have worried. The staff were kind and friendly and the other patients were just people like me who were having mental problems of one kind or another. Because of my social anxiety I was worried about being in a ward, but the other women were friendly and we formed a good bond and had quite a laugh at times.

I was given meds which relaxed me and gave me a break from the mental distress I had been in but I was not 'zonked out of my mind' and neither were the other patients that I mixed with. On my first morning there they woke me up with breakfast in bed, which was not what I was expecting from a state hospital! We passed the time doing art classes, relaxation exercises, music and all sorts and there were educational films you could go and see. I had access to psychiatrists who spent a lot of time talking to me and I was soon on meds which brought about a very rapid recovery.

My partner was allowed to visit me almost whenever I liked and we were able to walk in the grounds. Most patients chose to stay in PJs but I felt strongly that i wanted to wear day clothes from day one and this was allowed without any problem.

After 8 days I went home a completely different person. I was very satisfied with the treatment I received as an in-patient and made some good friends there as well.

I hope my experience will help to put your mind at rest that the modern day psychiatric hospital is not a place to be feared, and that this can be a positive and renewing experience.

02-11-09, 00:14
On my first morning there they woke me up with breakfast in bed, which was not what I was expecting from a state hospital! We passed the time doing art classes, relaxation exercises, music and all sorts and there were educational films you could go and see. I had access to psychiatrists who spent a lot of time talking to me and I was soon on meds which brought about a very rapid recovery.

My partner was allowed to visit me almost whenever I liked and we were able to walk in the grounds. Most patients chose to stay in PJs but I felt strongly that i wanted to wear day clothes from day one and this was allowed without any problem.

After 8 days I went home a completely different person. I was very satisfied with the treatment I received as an in-patient and made some good friends there as well.

I mean this in the nicest way and dont take it wrongly, and i'm sure you felt awful but it sounds like you had a great time, almost like a holday!

So ignore the negatives Janni and i'm sure u will be fine, fingers crossed for ya!

02-11-09, 01:56
every hospital is different, every hospital has good and bad staff.
but if you feel this is your only option then by all means give it a go.
if you don't like it, then you need never go to hospital again!

02-11-09, 08:54
hi janni hunny

when i went to an inpatient i was very supoorted by the staff and even som of the patients, i was offerd medicathion wich i took of my own will was not forced them in any way,
i felt like i could finnaly relax and be my slef how i truly felt because i new i was in the rght place to recive the help that i needed, please do not worry hunny mental hopitals are nothng what the petray them as in tv, my ward had a pool table. free view i had my own room there were art classes i could take i was give days out where i could go and do what i wanted knowing i had some where safe to go back to if i new things were getting to much

please please if you need to talk pm me anytiome hunny

huggels and fishes

02-11-09, 09:17
thank you so much for your positive feedback, if someone has reached a point where they are becoming unstable then, sometimes hospital is the best option i guess, i'll find out in less than four hours time :hugs: love all my friends at nmp you truly are good people and the hope and kindness makes all the difference to the difficult days, catch up with you soon xxx

02-11-09, 11:45
Hi Janni.
Do what you feel is right - it may be what you need to bring yourself back to a level where you can face how you feel (only you know)

The most important thing is that you do get yourself to a point where you can accept how you feel and what is going on with your mind and body in order to get yourself back to functioning normally.

Whatever the help you need to get to that point, I hope you find it
(Everyone is here for you to help you achieve it)

Good luck,

Ange x

02-11-09, 15:55
thanks to all who replied xxx much thanks xxx for now im being referred to cpn service which means no hospital hopefully this works for me :hugs:

02-11-09, 16:56
I was in no way trying to scare Janni, its just that after chatting to her the other week, i feel that in-patient care is a last resort and i dont think that Janni has exhausted the resources. At the end of the day Janni will still have to fight her demons whether it is at home or in hospital. I just feel, after personal experience it would be better to try at home first. I know that Janni hasnt received proper CBT but she also hasnt tried to get it. You can get it free through 'No Panic' for instance but up until last week she hadnt even heard of it. Has she tried it? I dont know but i doubt it.

I am deeply aggrieved that you feel i was trying to scare her, i just feel it would be better for her to have control over her recovery rather that be dictated to. I feel you are doing her a dis-service by making her feel probably more poorly than she actually is. I believe in Janni and i believe she can get to feel much better without being plucked from her home and shoved in a hospital. Who is more caring? One who says, yes, you are so ill you need hospital,or one who says, hold on girl, you can do it?

Support is about being caring and honest. I will not lie to her about something i have had first hand experience of. I will refrain from commenting further.

02-11-09, 16:59
I agree with you nutteetart:yesyes:

02-11-09, 17:06

i agrree with nuteetart

a psychiatric unit is not the place for someone with anxiety . my experience with severe anxiety included the crisis team who were adament that to put someone in there with anxiety would do more harm than good. the best place to recover is at home with your family

also its worth remembering rightly or wrongly being in psychiatric care stays on your medical notes and the stigma attached to that can cause problems in the future

02-11-09, 17:17
Thank you Myra and Sammie
Means a lot, i am really upset by the attack on my comments. I believe in Janni and the doctor obviously does too.

You can do this Janni. I was where you are just weeks ago. Today i went to the Docs and i even worked for 2 hours! Get off the bloody computer and get your life back in baby steps hun. XX

02-11-09, 17:23
It's true there are good and bad hospitals, the point is a respite from life. I have only had one brief stay in a hospital and found it was a little distressing, as I wanted to be with my family and not strangers. Although, my family had been the cause of a lot of my stress and anxiety at that time.

A psychiatric unit is there for your needs and they know how to monitor you and supply the correct meds and give you the rest you need to recover. All else pales into insignificants, if you can put yourself first for a change. Most of my problems relate to my family and putting them first and I was on the back burner, life passing by, so the brief stay in hospital, although a little distressing at first, gave me a well deserved break and helped me understand that I am not a machine and that I am human and need to switch off sometimes.

If all checks out about the hospital and you get good feedback then go for it and rest while your there....if your too afraid and want to stay at home, then change things to accomodate you more. Do not rush for no one, take your time and do things at your pace. Too many people who suffer the way we do, are always putting ourselves last and tend to put everyone else first...it's time to make a change and get our lives back. If that takes a week, a month or a year then so be it. That's our time.....Rest is the key and gentle does it my friend...No Hurry...No Worry!

God bless...Gary
(long time sufferer anxiety/panic disorder/ stress)

02-11-09, 17:35
Lay off my friends please cos they was only trying to reassure me after i was upset by replies and if I was unstable I would need hospital and people have been there for me since i joined nmp chat and know more personal details about me also. I'm not going to lay into anyone about this but the bottom line is people are hospitalised if necessary and if it had been necessary the LAST thing anyone would need to hear is that they going to get stuffed with drugs and overmedicated. Please try and respect that sometimes some people for different reasons require hospital and they don't need a negative picture that isnt necessarily valid painted before admission. This is only my point of view and I dont mean any personal offence to anyone. We all are entitled to our opinions after all.

02-11-09, 17:42
I was in no way trying to scare Janni, its just that after chatting to her the other week, i feel that in-patient care is a last resort and i dont think that Janni has exhausted the resources. At the end of the day Janni will still have to fight her demons whether it is at home or in hospital. I just feel, after personal experience it would be better to try at home first. I know that Janni hasnt received proper CBT but she also hasnt tried to get it. You can get it free through 'No Panic' for instance but up until last week she hadnt even heard of it. Has she tried it? I dont know but i doubt it.

I am deeply aggrieved that you feel i was trying to scare her, i just feel it would be better for her to have control over her recovery rather that be dictated to. I feel you are doing her a dis-service by making her feel probably more poorly than she actually is. I believe in Janni and i believe she can get to feel much better without being plucked from her home and shoved in a hospital. Who is more caring? One who says, yes, you are so ill you need hospital,or one who says, hold on girl, you can do it?

Support is about being caring and honest. I will not lie to her about something i have had first hand experience of. I will refrain from commenting further.

I can see both sides of the dilemma here but this is a public forum and we have our own experiences and opinions and have the right to express them. The important thing is that we have good intentions with the advice we give, and I believe that we do, even if we don't agree.

You shouldn't feel aggrieved or stop posting Nuttytart because it's your opinion and experience and I have no doubt that Janni knows that you mean well and appreciates your input. The important thing is that you care, not whether you're right or wrong.

Going into hospital is obviously a big step but whatever the outcome I hope that it works out for you Janni. X :hugs:

02-11-09, 17:46
I don't hold anything against anyone all our feelings are subjective but i think its fair to say that as anxiety sufferers a little reassurance goes a long way ty to all who replied and supported me in this situation x

02-11-09, 17:51
Sometimes people get to a point that they need to go to hospital, and it can do them good. Others, don't need it.

Can we all remember that people have different views on this, and both sides are both justifiable.

We are all here to help each other and no-one means any harm or malice, its just different points of view, thats all.

Janni, we all hope you get the help you need, and we all wish you well

Do let us know how you get on.

best wishes

di xx

02-11-09, 18:03
Well put and i am glad the Doc agrees that you dont need it. A day hospital would do you a treat but thats if there is one in your area. Once you start CBT i am sure you will feel much more confident. Whatever, i just want you to feel better.

The End

02-11-09, 23:36
Hi Janni lovely :hugs:

I'm so glad it all went well for you today and you were listened to by you Dr.

I'm pleased you found the positives in this thread even though initially you found it distressing.

Always here for you hun, any time :bighug1:

02-11-09, 23:45
Well done Janni :hugs: :yesyes: :yesyes: :yesyes:

02-11-09, 23:47
Hi Janni,

I think my post was deleted. I hope I didn't upset you. I think perhaps my exOH just had a bad experience and it looks like many on here have had some positive experiences. It was about 6/7 years ago so I would have thought things have changed a lot... I hope you are ok...


03-11-09, 16:02
Hi Janni,

I think my post was deleted. I hope I didn't upset you. I think perhaps my exOH just had a bad experience and it looks like many on here have had some positive experiences. It was about 6/7 years ago so I would have thought things have changed a lot... I hope you are ok...


We haven't deleted any posts on this threads I promise.

03-11-09, 17:31
HI Janni - I have experience of psychiatric care, my longest stay being for 3 months following a diagnosis of Bi-Polar. When I was first admitted I was on a 28 day section and was in a dreadful, terrified state. The staff were wonderful and I was never forced to take any medication I wasn't comfortable with and my treatment was always discussed fully with me. It took me a long time to come to terms with suffering with mental illness but I wouldn't have recovered as well and as quickly had I been treated at home. Sometimes you just need the safety and security of the hospital. Please don't be scared if it is felt that this course of action is what you need. You will be just fine. Take care. xx

05-11-09, 10:58
going into hospital isnt a bad thing you get the help support and care you need at the time ive been in one for 7 months and on a section 3 mha but you know what just take each day as it comes and if you feel the need to go into an acute ward or need help grab it at every oppurtunity

claire m
05-11-09, 12:36
it saved my life. in all honesty i think a lot depends on where you are but my experiance was a 3month stay and it was life changing for me i met some amazing people and learnt alot. if there was a time again when i needed that level of care i would go no probs. xx

05-11-09, 12:50
thank you to everyone who responded to this post for now i have been referred to the cpn services first visit is tomorrow for assessment and i really hope i can do the work with the cpns that i need to do, as for hospital no one really wants to go but sometimes well for me at my worst ive not felt safe at home and really how more worse than this could hospital be, I am so glad to hear that hospital has helped you guys and for the ones who have had bad experiences, I am sorry. It should be a safe place with lots of support and no added anxiety apart from of course the anxiety of actually going into a different environment. I wish everyone all my best and pray for your recovery as much as I do my own. Take care and be well x

claire m
05-11-09, 15:11
thank you to everyone who responded to this post for now i have been referred to the cpn services first visit is tomorrow for assessment and i really hope i can do the work with the cpns that i need to do, as for hospital no one really wants to go but sometimes well for me at my worst ive not felt safe at home and really how more worse than this could hospital be, I am so glad to hear that hospital has helped you guys and for the ones who have had bad experiences, I am sorry. It should be a safe place with lots of support and no added anxiety apart from of course the anxiety of actually going into a different environment. I wish everyone all my best and pray for your recovery as much as I do my own. Take care and be well x

nice thoughtful words janni. xx

08-11-09, 00:32
Hi Janni
About your post re-hospital admission.
People are admitted for different reasons and it can be a real mixture of ages and mental health conditions.
At it's worst it can be violent and agressive, with police turning up and lots of noise and alarms going off all day or night.
At best it can be quiet, and restful where you meet really nice people and keep good friends.
Somewhere in the middle is boredom.
It all depends on the mix of patients when you are admitted and the quality of care.

I could give you a lot more info if you really want it as I was admitted for "respite" with post traumatic stress...
You should have your own room, and after being ward based for 72 hours for assessment you should be given leave. Most wards cater for sectioned patients who are not able to leave the wards so the main doors are locked.

However you would also be a voluntary admission and should be able to leave if it is not for you.
I hope I don't get a barrage of abuse for this post..

15-12-09, 20:48
I went into hospital on a voluntary basis, i couldn't cope any more, i was so tired with life and just needed a safe santuary. While in hospital i felt like i had the chance to rest and start on my road to recovery. This was 12 years ago, it was kinda institutionalised, we lined up for our meds, had our mouths checked to make sure we had taken our meds, the doors were locked at 8pm, i wasn't allowed out for a month and when i did i was with an escort, i have to mention that i had sucicidal thoughts. However besides all that, i felt i was with people who understood, felt my pain. I was there for two months, when i left i had to re-build my life again. In between time whislt in hospital i lost the ability to raise my children and my husband decided it would be better for me not to come home. I started on that half way house rehabilitation!! Was it a positive move, i still can't say for sure to this day. And yes i still have mental health issues, i am Bi-Polar manic and currently going through an episode. I don't know some days, i just keep on trying, but at times i am so tired with this battle. I am currently under the MASST team, have a fantastic Consultant, a lovely care co-ordinator and 24/7 help from the MASST team, I am well medicated, which i hate so much, i pray i will get through this and go back to that stable person i was. Good luck to you all xxx

16-12-09, 23:44
I always worried about a hospital admission. It was not nearly as awful as I'd imagined. The fact is, at the time, I needed to be there. And I was a nurse. With ex-collegues working on the ward I was admitted to. Which should have been embarrassing. But when you're ill, embarrassment seems to go out of the window.

Everyone's experience is different. All I can tell you is that I now don't have any fear of inpatient treatment. Which is a good thing I think.

Take care