View Full Version : Swallowing Problem

01-11-09, 14:01
I have had a problem with swallowing for about 5 years now.
It use to only happen occassionaly, but now it is an everyday thing.
I don't know if it is a true medical problem or just something psychological afflicting me, causing this. It is so distressing. Everytime I take a bite of something I fear I will die from choking. Sometimes it is hard for me to even swallow my saliva or drink water. Does anyone else have this problem? What do you do in this situation? Has anything helped?:unsure:

When it happens sometimes I will move my body abruptly, as if that would help to swallow (I suppose from fear and panic.) The feeling is that I have forgotten to swallow and something will just stay in my mouth. Or when I do swallow I get frightened it isn't going to go down and I will choke and die.
I think I have throat cancer or something seriously wrong with me. I couldn't even do the barium swallow when I went to the hospital, because I could not swallow the liquid they gave me.
The doctor has diagnosed me with acid reflux, and I am afraid it has damaged my throat or caused me cancer.

01-11-09, 14:05
Hi, I haven't had this problem but it does sound anxiety based. Just think, you manage to swallow your saliva when asleep without thinking. You can always get your doctor's reassurance that there's nothing physically wrong and then concentrate on dealing with your anxiety. Anxiety brings so many unpleasant, different symptoms for all of us but you can recover.

01-11-09, 14:11
Thank you, Myra.
I am really hoping it is just anxiety and nothing serious.

01-11-09, 18:19
Hi i get this problem sometimes too. in fact 3 times aweek sometimes more.i dont know why it happens and it at no particular time but just does. i think its all to do with panic and how tense we make our mouths without realising it