View Full Version : So worried :(

01-11-09, 17:03
Hello :(
About a month ago, I had a few bugs one after the other. Had a sore throat, worried like mad about that... Told myself my throat was going to close up, ect.
Then I had a headache for a few days.. worried about that, next I got a cough, and a tickly cough- which I worried like mad about.
Then after all that had gone, I got pains in my chest. Which lasted a week, and I cried myself to sleep every night in fear, told myself it was anxiety... but was terrified it wasnt.. as even when I relaxed it didn't go. So I reluctantly went to the docs. And they said it was a virus called 'Costochondritis' which is common in teens, and just goes on its own. So then I started to relax and enjoy my life, for about a week. And sure enough it went. And I havent really had any more pain since...
Then at the start of last week, I woke up with a really tight chest... It scared me so much.. that lasted for a few days, and then went...
And now at the moment, my breathings a bit odd. I presume its just another symptom of anxiety.
The tightness had worn off, and its left me with a kinda dull and heavy in the centre chest, and I cant reallytake deep breaths without the dullness restricting it... is there anyone else that has had this? And does it go? I just feel like I need a little reasurrance because i'm so scared :( Im finding college very difficult at the mo cus of my nerves, and I dont feel like anyone understands. I just need a friend/s that does :(
Thankyou for any replies xxx Kash xxxx

02-11-09, 09:13
hi kash classic anxiety, i two started off with throat problems, then a fever, just general flu. which has basically never cleared up still today 4 months after going down with this, i still feel useless with chest pains, not being able to breathe head pains all sorts