View Full Version : Anxiety Mgnt course

07-11-05, 19:07
Hi everyone,

Am due to start on my course 2moro which lasts till mid December.

Am very nervous about it all really, I haven't had a few good week leading upto it with family troubles on top of other issues.

I am worried about the walking there and back which will be hard enough for me esp getting there, it is about a 20min walk which maybe doesn't sound much but I have trouble doing 10mins atm.

Then i guess i'm worried about what the people are going to be like etc and also how i'm going to cope with the talking about things and also if they are gonna try relaxation things....which i know is stupid but it makes me panic a bit.

Anyway i guess i just wanted to vent a bit, has anyone else been on anything similar? I am worried no-one there is going to be as bad as me or something. [:I]


07-11-05, 19:13
Hiya Sarah,

I know how you feel - i finished my cours a couple of weeks ago - and althought it was scary going and puched my boundaries - it was relaly what i needed.

I started a thread about it, and was hoping to write up about it each week, but just didnt have the time [Oops!]

My Anxiety Management Course Progress (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=5373)

Tatty B xx

07-11-05, 20:25

Try to see it as a BIG step forward in your life and your recovery.

I know it is hard to do it. I used to be terrified going to the psychotherapy I went to and hated being there until I calmed down etc.

The thoughts are always worse than the actual event and think what avenues it may open up for you and how proud you will be that you got there etc.

We are all thinking of you ok so you go girl and let us know how it goes tomorrow.

Good luck!


07-11-05, 22:13
Sarah, I did this course and was very worried about it. I refused at first but changed my mind after seeing course leader at a one on one session to discuss it.

All I can say is, go for it. I gained alot of relief from finding other people in the same boat if nothing else. I hadn't found this site at that stage. But the course was very good as well.
I remember the first day looking around thinking that evryone else looked ok while I felt terrible. It was only when we got talking that it became apparent that everyone suffered the same stuff. Palpatations, missed beats, panic attacks, dizziness, etc. etc.

I know how you feel but go for it. You can do it and you are not alone, we're all behind you. :D:D
I'm really pleased I did it. In fact I liked it so much I went back and did another related one!

All the best for tomorrow,

Trev :D

07-11-05, 22:13
Thanks Nic and Tatt,

Tatty i read your post a bit, sounds ok-ish I guess!

Eeep! It's at 10am 2moro so will maybe post after it!

Am gonna make myself do it though even if i have to sit down on the pavement on the way there for a break, lol.

Yes would be nice to move forward in my life now....i've kinda had enough of this really....


07-11-05, 22:16
Hi Trev,

Sorry must have been posting at the same time!

I am due to do a self-esteem one in january too so if this goes well i hope to do that one too. Although learning self-esteem seems a tad weird to me!


07-11-05, 22:48
Yeah, that's the one. It was the same tutor who I really liked and I just found the whole subject quite interesting really. I've found the whole experience a bit of an eye opener really.

Good luck,


08-11-05, 07:10
good luck sarah, hope it goes ok .. tc andrew

08-11-05, 09:26
just wanted to say good luck for tomorrow... will be sending lots of posative vibes your way :)
just remember everyone is there for similar reasons and although they may look "ok" on the outside i bet most of them will be feeling very anxious too.
i hope it goes well and once you`ve been im sure the second time will be easier...
let us know how it goes

08-11-05, 10:47
hope you found it ok and am sure you will benefit from it, i did one kast year and its nice to meet people like us just thought id mention that i really dont get on with relaxation so you are not alone i think its to do with staying in control for me but it wasnt part of our course so you should be fine and if it is you can sit out of that it
remember they see people with anxiety all the time
good luck
take care

08-11-05, 12:59
Thanks everyone for the replies.

It actually went ok and i guess it proves to me if i have somewhere to go and something to do then i kinda focus more on it type thing.

The group was quite big and was more centred on panic attacks which i dont really get anymore as such. I asked the lady at the end about it and she said they would be doing 'grounding techniques' and that they should help me.

It was quite funny as well as our 'homework' is to write down the changes we've been through in the last 3 yrs, 3 years ago i started uni so they can have an essay with all my changes!!

Managed to do a few things afterwards as well even if i was in my little 'bubble' as i call it!

No relaxation this week though that is next week.

thanks for all the support!


08-11-05, 14:49
Well done Sarah.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">i guess it proves to me if i have somewhere to go and something to do then i kinda focus more on it type thing.
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

Very much so.

08-11-05, 15:51
I think it sounds really good and will be interested to hear how you get on.

I would have liked the bit about panic attacks as thats the whole reason I have agoraphobic moments!!

Try and listen for me if that comes up again, pleeeease!

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

08-11-05, 16:15
Hi Piglet,

It was all about the physical things this week really and why we get them, quite simple stuff if you are familiar with panic! Not yet onto how to manage the symptoms!!


09-11-05, 10:10
Ok hun - when you get onto that bit I expect a full brief!!!

Love Piglet :)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

09-11-05, 15:00
Hi Sarah,

Well Done for coping you did great! I hope it helps you.

Take care,


15-11-05, 12:43
We didn't do as much this week really!

Think we all just got chatting about things which was nice in a way. Just talked about ways to try and relax such as music, breathing, distraction etc then did a relaxation exercise at the end which involved tensing and the relaxing body parts!!


15-11-05, 13:16
Excellent Sarah ,

Glad to hear you're doing this and it is going well.

We really appreciate the resumes of sessions so thanks.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

22-11-05, 13:59
Hi guys,

just had another one this morning, we did a bit about what anxiety makes us think and our homework is to identify thoughts this week that pop up! then finished off with some relaxation...which didn't really make me relax!

i dunno i'm not feeling so good today, i'm getting out and doing more etc, but still have the underlying sadness and anxiety. it's just i feel like i should be seeing benefits i guess and it makes me feel something is wrong deep down or something. i dunno.

sorry for the moan.


22-11-05, 14:15
Its takes lots of practice of getting out and facing challenges to start the feelings change as initially you are so focussed on surviving whilst still feeling rubbishto think about how well you really are doing

Hope you've rewarded yourself for the achievements.


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

22-11-05, 15:01
Hi Sarah,

good to see you are still doing the course.

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">i dunno i'm not feeling so good today, i'm getting out and doing more etc, but still have the underlying sadness and anxiety. it's just i feel like i should be seeing benefits i guess and it makes me feel something is wrong deep down or something. i dunno.</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I think it's the very fact of wanting to be rid of it that creates that slight anxiety. It will gradually go in time but it is the very graduallness (don't know if that's a proper word!) that makes it so frustrating. Just keep doing what you are doing and try to take your mind off how you feel. I found I felt better when I stopped looking for how I felt! (If that makes sense?) :D


22-11-05, 15:23
Hi Meg,

yes that is true, my attention is still on the anxiety rather than enjoying myself i guess.

Trev, yes i see what you mean! Kinda hard to do though when you feel a bit low too i guess.

Have just shed a little tear but never mind, am going to the cinema later and strangely i sometimes feel quite relaxed after it in the car back so fingers crossed!
