View Full Version : Starting new job tomorrow...

01-11-09, 20:09
Hello :)

Its my first day of a new job tomorrow! I'm looking forward to it, but I'm also anxious about it :unsure: I left my last job in June, and so I keep telling myself, I know I can do this, because I've done it before. But, I guess its just jitteryness.

I feel so much stronger than I have in years about my anx/depression, so I think thats why I'm quite looking forward to getting started, but there is still a lot of anxiety...

When I got the job, I had to go to a medical, where I discussed my anx/depression, and the doctor stated he felt it would be helpful if the occ health team informed my managers, and they will just make sure I'm not getting over stressed or anything, which I'm happy about. But, gosh! I am just worrying about things like missing my train, or forgetting something, or having a panic attack, and a million other things :blush:

01-11-09, 20:20
:hugs:You'll do just fine. Everything that you have said is very normal. Allow yourself time to get to know the job and getting to know your colleagues. A big hug to you.

01-11-09, 20:24
:bighug1:Thats great news Budgie :yesyes:Im sure once you have gotten thru the morning you will start to relax more .Its perfectly ok to be feeling anxious about a new job .This doesnt mean you are going to have a panic attack Do your deep breathing , just tell yourself what you are feeling is perfectly natural . If you get all your stuff ready tonight that you need you wont forget anything .Get an EARLY NIGHT and get up a bit earlier ,that way you will be at the station in good time .As for the million other things ,they are just a product of your anxious mind ,What if everything goes well and the day is better than you could imagine ?? Thats more than likely to be the case ..Have a good day and let us know how you do ...Good luck ,but im sure you wont need it ...Sending you lots of good vibes Luv Sue xx:bighug1:

01-11-09, 20:28
Congratulations on getting your new job:hugs:Of course you'll feel anxious - we all would!! It only human nature to be apprehensive about doing something like this but you'll do it!! All the very best and let us know how your first day went!
Myra x

06-11-09, 22:32
Thanks, everyone! :hugs::)

Its been a good week :yesyes: I have been surprised at how relaxed I have felt, in spite of all the unfamiliarity of a new office and new people and things like that. I've not felt so relaxed about going to work in such a long time!

I think one factor thats really helped is that I have started the job with two other people, so I don't feel isolated in being the 'newbie', plus its the kind of place where I can wear jeans and be comfortable as I'm at my desk. Its a busy place with tight standards, but I feel like I am up to facing it! And I have a friendly line manager I feel I can talk to about my anxiety/OCD in a constructive way... so... :yesyes:

06-11-09, 22:35
A massive congratulations and the very best of luck... you will be fine you have everyone on side ....wish you every success and stay positive x


08-11-09, 01:24
Thats great news Budgie Well done :yahoo:Im so pleased you like it ,sounds like a good place ,you deserve it after everything youve been through .Wishing you all the very best for the future .Luv Sue xx:bighug1:

08-11-09, 01:30
Fantastic news really pleased for you x:yesyes: