View Full Version : Im scared

01-11-09, 23:58
I have a dizzy feeling as if im rocking side to side on a boat and i feel off balance ir started 4 weeks ago and the doctors diagonsed me with migranes and put me on step 1 migrane treatment so i was like ok. That failed so they put me on step 2 my seveare headahches went but i was left with a dizzy feeling and off balanceness my doctor then diagnosed me with vertigo and gave me tablets but they didnt work and im set to go back again. I find it hard to sleep at night because i feel like im swaying and my head is very tight also im very consious about my heart beat. Its a bit more reassuring to know that im not the only one feeling like this but ... im still really scared i think that i havent got vertigo i think ive got something more serious but like youve all said thats just anxiety as im only 15 i find it hard to cope with this random illness and ive had 2 weeks off school allready im just a normal teenager who likes to go out with friends and stuff and i enjoy school and dont really think or worry about my exams my mum and dad are going threw a devource but that doesnt have seemed to effect me that much. Im really scared and dont know what to do can someone please write back and help me. Thank you http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/misc/progress.gif http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/images/nmp/buttons/edit.gif (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/editpost.php?do=editpost&p=569821)

02-11-09, 00:12
Hi there,

I have had vertigo on and off since about 8 months ago, and the swaying feeling is not fun. My vertigo symptoms are not like that anymore, more of an off balance thing. One question - did you go on a trip or boat before any of this happened? Were you sick before this all happened? I am on a balance disorder support group, and some people have something called migraine associated vertigo...their symptoms are similar to yours.

Did they give you Antivert for the vertigo? Because it didn't work for me either. If you are going back to the doctor, you should tell them all of your symptoms...maybe they can take a look at your ears? Thats how they figured out what my issue was.

Having vertigo out of the blue sucks...I am young too, and it scared the crap out of me. Whatever you do...don't let the doctor go without telling them everything....a lot of doctors just told me to go home....very frustrating when I couldn't even lay down and had to sleep sitting up for 2 months until I found someone who could help me.

02-11-09, 00:25
They gave me betahistineHydrochloride which eased it abit but now its came back today and i havent been on a boat in yeasr or been sick or had a knock to the head. I think i make ot worse by thinking its something alot worse but im not sure what it is anymore. Thanks for getting back.

02-11-09, 00:59
There are so many people that seem to suffer with the same or similar symptoms. The good thing is you have a diagnose and a treatment, I imagine there will still be a few bad days. It sounds like you have alot of stress going on right now and that will only increase your symptoms. Try not to be scared and know the doctors will take good care of you, and tackle the issues the best you can.