View Full Version : Is this normal?

02-11-09, 06:01
I have been feeling better for a couple of weeks now , not to much anxiety. So I was wondering if it is normal to feel alittle difficulty breathing and haing "pvc's" when im not feeling overly anxious. I am always worrying about my heart and im just wondering if maybe something is wrong with me for real. please let me know

02-11-09, 09:28
yes its perfectly normal, as you are always worrying about your heart and you now think something is wrong so even if you dont feel axious you're still worrying so that'll be causing it, i get lots of symptoms still when i feel ok over breathing being the main one.

03-11-09, 12:11
I get lots of different symptoms when i seem relaxed, however deepdown i must be anxious and not realize it

03-11-09, 13:03
thats it exactly, i can be feeling 100% fine then suddenly POW something weird happens like a pain or an axiety symptom and suddenly im not feeling so good again, or i can be feeling totally fine but just breathing a bit funny for the whole day, just gotta try to ignore it as the more you fret the longer or worse it'll linger.

03-11-09, 13:18
i feel more breathless when i do jobs ,its not nice feeling