View Full Version : Twitching

02-11-09, 09:30
Hello. Does anyone else get an almost constant twitch in the same muscle from anxiety, or are they more sporadic? I often read people in this forum saying things like 'I've had a twitch in such and such a place for a day or a few days' but rarely that it goes on longer.

My calf muscle has been twitching almost all the time for months, like there are worms in it, so I was wondering if anyone else has had that? I know I unconciously tense my muscles sometimes (due to anxiety) and am trying to remedy that, but the twitch does sometimes concern me. Thanks.

02-11-09, 12:57
Google BFS, you might find it on here actually, maybe you know about it?

If you are concerned go see your doctor, just incase.

02-11-09, 14:00
I really don't want to google it, in case it leads me down my usual route to chronic diseases. Would you mind just summarising what BFS is please? I did go to my doctor and she said it was just anxiety, which is good to know; but an an HA sufferer it doesn't entirely stop me worrying.

02-11-09, 14:10

Have a read of that, buit i'd put yours down to anxiety :yesyes:

02-11-09, 14:21
Also this thread....


I hope i don't make you feel worse by mentionong these diseases, but you DO NOT HAVE THEM lol so i hope they don't set you off.

02-11-09, 14:49
Thanks very much Gaz. I did have to stop mid-way through as I have panicked endlessly about one of the diseases mentioned in the past and even the mention of it fills me with dread, but I still read enough to see what its all about. Hopefully that's what it is, and hopefully it will go away if I can learn to ignore it!

04-11-09, 20:57
I get this around my knee and sometimes between my finger and thumb. I googled the symptoms and scared myself with all the diseases it could be and now I wish I hadn't as I know that these can be signs of serious disease and also I remember all the symptoms for serious diseases I have read about and panic every time I feel a twitch, ache or pain.

The best advice I tell myself is that there can be common symptoms for nearly everything and to think about how many harmless conditions can share symptoms with major illness. And anxiety causes me to think I have tremors and all sorts of diseases related to this but when I asked my mum to look if I shake or twitch or have tremors, she couldn't see any of my limbs or head twitch or shake. It could be you being over sensitive to your body because of anxiety.