View Full Version : scered to death!!!

02-11-09, 09:47
Hi dont know what any one could do or say, but thought i would try anyway.
I am supposed to be discharged from the sphyciatric unit today. The thing is i am realy crapping it, i dont think im ready, But im too prowed to say so, my anxiety is through the roof, i have had my diazapam and been on the old paper bag all morning. I just know that as soon as i go everything will kick in again. Im still self harming, my depression is at a suicidal rate, my paronoya has got together with my anxiaty, so there now working as one. all i can see in my head is me thouwing myself in front of a bus or plummiting to my welcoming death!
Nothing good can come of me going home. I just want it all to end then it will go away. I cant controll my imotions at all, and to top it all my voices just wont go away today. any suggestions? :doh: :wacko: :lac:

02-11-09, 09:49
Hi mafsta1

A huge warm welcome to nmp.

You'll get loads of advice and support here and make some lovely friends along the way.

Best wishes

02-11-09, 09:57
You really must tell them how you feel, if you're not ready to go home yet then don't, please dont let pride stop you from saying how you feel.

Do let us know how you get on, but please tell them you're not ready.

best wishes

di xx

02-11-09, 10:34
how do you tell a sain person that is doing so well in life that im doing so bad? i go in them my anxiaty kicks in even more than normal, then i cant say nothing!
What can i do? :weep:

02-11-09, 10:40
Everybody needs help from time to time, these people get paid to do a job and there job is to get you well again, they would want to know if you are struggling, is there anyone there that you are particularly close to that you could tell or maybe you could write it down if you can't say it?

di xx

02-11-09, 10:54
thanks Di, i do have someone close. will sertanly try, its just hard to do so. Thanks for your kind word.
Matt. :noangel:

02-11-09, 10:58
Sometimes admitting you need help seems the hardest thing to do, but once you do you will feel so much better for saying it, we all have to ask for help at some point in our lives, please let me know how you get on.

di xx

03-11-09, 08:44
:blush: After all the worry i didn't need to say anything, the doctor could see that i wasn't ready, so could everyone els. (must be the anxiety, paronoya kicking in). im now in for another week at least. At least now i can priper myself better for then.

thank you :D

03-11-09, 16:58
Maff dont worry man.

All in this together not just as cyber pals but reality pals too looks like a good site. I know i still got my issues and stuff but we will fight through it im sure and come through the end of the tunnel saying thank god we done it and we done it bruva as individuals the proffesionals can give us advice but its all about the support you got my number or if your in need the crises line use them well dont put yourself in danger cos you are worth so much more than your demons everyone has them we just gotta fight them. so chin up pal i know its hard but your a good bloke maff and im over the moon to calll you a friend so stay safe stay strong and youlll get their. call me if your in need. your doing so well what with AA just stay strong

03-11-09, 17:06
Aww mafsta,

So pleased that you got sorted,

best wishes

di xx