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View Full Version : Inspirational Words Needed Please!

Purple Fish
02-11-09, 14:03

I`m feeling a bit down today. I`m trying to lose weight which is really difficult, I need to lose at least 2 stone. I`ve joined a diet plan but it`s just not working as my heart`s not in it.
This morning I got out some old photos of me when I was 2 stone lighter (7 years ago) and I could have cried as that`s how I`d like to be!
I need to lose weight as the scar on my stomach from an op I had 4 years ago is starting to stretch! A doctor told me to be careful about gaining weight so this needs to be my wake up call! Plus a lot of clothes in my wardrobe don`t fit me!

Also, this may sound silly but I`ve got a tooth that keeps niggling a bit and it`s worrying me as I had a tooth infection once and it was awful so I`m worrying about if it could be that!

Tanya x

02-11-09, 14:26

Its that ime of year whe we could all do with losing a few pounds... dont set your goal as 2 stone yet start with a goal you can reach ..say a couple of pounds.. once you get that off you will be well on your way

You can do it x

02-11-09, 16:13
Agree with Marc!

Good luck Tanya - try not to concentrate on the health anxiety (tooth) and don't put yourself under pressure to lose 2 stone. Take it day by day.


02-11-09, 16:19
I decided to start my healthy eating plan today - just as well as someone today at work asked me if I was pregnant!!! How's that for a good start to a diet:yahoo: The worst thing is - I'm 51!!!! Weigh****chers here I come!!!


Purple Fish
02-11-09, 16:25

Thanks for your replies! It`s really cheered me up! Good luck then Myra with the healthy eating (that`s what I call it, not diet!!)

I do agree with you all, I`ve sorted my wardrobe now which I feel has given me a clean sheet and I`ve got to get it into my head that I can do it because I`m not depriving myself, I`m only making the right choices!


02-11-09, 16:53
You sound more positive now. Good luck - I'm sure there's a few of us on the pre-christmas healthy eating plan!!:yesyes:
Myra x

02-11-09, 17:00
hi there, im also struggling with weight, i was put on seroquel about 2 months ago, i have put on a stone, the last week ihave been eating healthy and doing between 5 to 10 miles on my exercise bike, it kills me and i hate it, but i have not lost anything, i posted this on other topics, i dont feel sexy and now my partner missing out, i just wanna cry, i wanna stop all my meds, and just be thin again.

any help,


live to love life

02-11-09, 17:51
Dear Tanya I know exactly what you are talking about. Earlier this year I had a stone and a half to lose. I lost it with the help of weight watchers. If you can get along to the meetings they are very supportive. You can also do the plan online too. I lost my weight but unfortunately I had another depressive relapse and had to go back onto mirtazapine which caused the weight gain in the first place. I suggest you set small goals for yourself first and award each half a stone if you like. I am trying to maintain my goal weight at the moment. I also have a tummy (hysterectomy scar) but it hasn't been affected by my weight gain. Things that you can do to feel better about yourself now: a manicure, massage, day at a health spa, day course doing something creative eg painting, music, cookery. Best of luck.

02-11-09, 17:52
I exercise too. My favourites are swimming and pilates. Don't overdo it though!

02-11-09, 17:56
think more of your health than yr weight :) then losing weight will be the reward for living and eating healthily :)

02-11-09, 17:59

02-11-09, 18:08
You are fine and you are a human who is important to a lot of people, Others care about you. What you are feeling is normal for all mortals, So take a deep breath and remember a lot of people care about you. There is help here so please take advantage of it. This is just one moment in your life and it will pass. You are in my prayers.

Purple Fish
03-11-09, 14:57
Thank you all so much! ElizabethJane I have joined Weight Watchers on line and I`ve been going to the gym since July so I know I`m on the right track. I`ve just got to curb the food cravings which I`ve been managing over the last couple of days. The test will be leading up to my period!
Lucy, I know how you feel with the weight thing, I went through a time of thinking it was the Prozac making me gain weight and it still probably doesn`t help but I have got to keep with it and so have you.
If you`re so unhappy with your weight try mentioning it to your doctor.