View Full Version : Worried

02-11-09, 14:33
Hi , I am new to this so please bear with me , this will be a long one.. I have recently had what seems to be panic attacks .. i had the feeling of dizziness at first , then a couple of weeks later , whoosh , something flying up my body, dizziness and felt like my heart was coming out of my chest.. i was terrified.. went to the docs who said i may have vertigo , two weeks later i was playing golf, suddenly i felt strange, feeling nausea, feeling cold and chilled, clammy , weak legs , then whoosh, something flew up my body again , heart pounding and fell to the floor , when i got myself together there was a high pitch whistling in my ear which is still present after 7 weeks... i went to the docs , who sent me for an ecg and bloods.. they came back clear... a week went by and i was getting more and more anxious mainly due to the tinnitus and migraines, i went to the hostpital who done a further ecg and bloods which were clear , they refered me to an ent who said he could find nothing wrong and thought the tinnitus was stress induced... in my wisdom i googled.. i was convinced i had a brain tumour or had cancer that had spread to my brain , i was frantic...i seen another ent who performed an audiology test and said i have not got a tumour... i was convinced i had lung cancer... i seen my works doc due to being off work for 6 weeks... i told him everything and all my concerns about cancer... he was convinced i had panic attacks and anxiety... even prior to all this i did not feel anxious.. he told me cancer would not present the symptoms i have... i still feel i have underlying illness... i also feel i am being irrational due to the fact i have seen two ent specialists, two a and e docs a,my own gp and works gp.. which if they were concerned about my feelings of cancer , would of picked up on something and sent me for further tests, and im quite sure my blood would of shown something up ... i am presenting with all anxiety symptoms , my new one is head rush or zaps which scare me ... am i being irrational and anxious , some advice would be good



02-11-09, 14:41
Hi moggy. Anxiety can definately produce some extremely bizarre physical symptoms. I had some sort of anxiety attack about 2 weeks ago where i got 'zapped' as well.. 'good word to use' and i felt like my upper chest, shouders and neck actually got turned solid for a couple of seconds.. it was the bizarre feeling but passed very quickly. A bit like an electric shock coming uptwards through my body from the middle of me. I am 'I think' quite mild on the spectrum of anxiety if I judge myself by things I read on this site and yet I too get these weird feelings.

I hope you start to improve soon.


02-11-09, 14:46
thanks mandy.. i do feel that i am quite mild on the anxiety front , i just worry cus i have always been in good health so to speak...the mind plays some funny tricks on us

02-11-09, 15:00
i was the picture of health three years ago fell walking and the like then went to bed one night and didn't come out of my bedroom for three months ,why anxiety. never know anything like it like you had all your symptom's .felt terrible ,had blood tests all normal apart from thyroid witch was dangerously low so they put it down to that i have had thyroid problem for years but my levels had dropped despite medication ,cut a long story short ,,upped my tablets got bit better normal now but still have anxiety its a terrible thing i eel for you but your not alone who knows how this illness takes us over ruling our every thought love maggyx

02-11-09, 15:04
thanks maggy.... it scares the hell out of me ... just keep thinking whats caused it , my mind is racing , cant settle , i have stopped having palpatations, they are rare for me now.. i keep focusing on my head as it always feels funny and congested.. i think the tinnitus may have something to do with it , plus anxiety and stress lol .. ps , glad your a bit better

moggy x

02-11-09, 15:14
it makes you feel like you feel who knows why i was a cancer nurse ,,and i dont know why apart from they said i had post traumatic stress syndrome ,from nursing ..as you hve to hold your feelings inside ,it could be linked to your ears with the balance i would pop back to docters just to have them checked sure all is fine xxxxx:bighug1::bighug1::bighug1:

02-11-09, 15:17
i seen an ent last week about my tinnitus and he cant find any probs with them, apparently it can be brought on by panic attacks and anxiety.

All my problems started 3 week after my mum was in hostpital having operation to remove her womb due to cancer .. i think this may have triggered everything

moggy x

02-11-09, 15:33
i think your right ,that's what most likely caused it ,our mothers are so important and when something like hat is diagnosed ,shock horrors at the thought so yes i think your right i hope she is improving well my love goes with you both love maggy

02-11-09, 15:36
she is great thanks , after the op , they said she will need no follow up treatment as they think they removed everything, my mum will be having a follow up next week to check all is fine .


moggy x

02-11-09, 15:51
great news now you must stop worrying and relax i know its easy to say ,but you can do it believe me xx