View Full Version : Tiny veins on legs - Worried

02-11-09, 14:36

I am posting this as I am now convinced I have cirrhosis of the liver.

I have noticed tiny purple veins on my legs, and a couple on my chest.

I showed the one's on my chest to the hospital and they weren't concerned.

I recently had a liver panel done which came back normal, and I had my stomach felt for swelling etc which was normal.

My main concern is I drunk half a bottle of vodka (large bottle) through the course of an evening a couple of weeks ago, and since then have had a petechaie rash (which I've been to hospital about 2 times).

I've read that this can be caused by liver damage, along with the veins.

I'm only 22, and haven't had any prolonged period of heavy drinking, I don't generally drink that much. But I've heard you can get it through auto-immune disease and general reasons.

I know I mentioned this in my other thread, but the veins and spots are really worrying me, and I'm convinced i'm dying of Cirrhosis.

I'd really like to speak to some people about this. Scared.


02-11-09, 15:06
chri you are not dying of liver problem i was a cancer nurse i nursed people with liver cancer ..what you have said you have is nothing lke there symtoms believe me please,,, ou are going to ave to stop thinking the worst or you will make yourslf ill.. i am no being cruel i feel for you with anxiety we do far the unkown every symtom leads ue to think the worst ,,maggy

02-11-09, 15:09
I know :( it's just so hard right now.

I'm seeing a Dr tonight, and a dermatologist tomorrow, but it's all so hard for me at the moment.

I'll send you a PM if that is ok.

Thanks for your reply.

Anyone else get these veins? I may just be noticing them as my friend says she has tons of them, but i'm a guy, and nearly everyone seems to be women, or the elderly.


02-11-09, 15:12
I have veins like that on my legs sometimes on my back...I definitely don't drink...and I am female, but I also have known guys that have gotten them.

02-11-09, 15:27
chris my brother plays football fit athletic guess what he has them infact he asked his tranner what they were ,he just said somtimes you get them with change f tepreture in your body ps didnt get your pm it came up but not in my mailbox did you change your mind please stop worrying please

02-11-09, 15:36
Yeah I guess, just never noticed them before, and worried that it's the liver dying off... :(

I did send you a PM. I'll send again.
