View Full Version : Neuropathy / Autoimmune disease

02-11-09, 19:25
Hi all,

I am experiencing the following symptoms:

numbness in face
numbness in hands and feet
blurred vision in left eye and problems focusing
twitching in eye
cold (minty) sensations in mouth
sunburn sensations on back
Raynaud's symptoms (hands go cold then burn red when warming again)
psoriasis-like skin marks on back (morphoea?)
I'm so worried that these are the symptoms of an automimmune disease like Scleroderma or neuropathy associated with MS. I'm driving myself crazy with endless worrying and am waiting months for my referral to the neurologist.

Please help me.


07-11-09, 22:31
Im sorry your feeling so worried at the minute but i can relate to a few of the symptoms your experiencing,
Numbness in parts of my face/eye/lip
Twitching muscle in my thumb and little finger
Blurry vision and occassional eyelid twitches (mostly if im tired)
and occassional excema...flaky itchy patches of skin.
But ive go to admit though that i only seem to notice it or focus on my symptoms more if im feeling really stressed or anxious otherwise i dont really notice it or think about it.
I hope your feeling a little better by now though.
Good luck with your appointment.

08-11-09, 19:00
thank you lesley, i'll keep you posted