View Full Version : Anxiety through the roof! why?!

08-11-05, 08:01
I have woken up this morning really nervous like something is going to happen, my stomach is churning and my breathing is really quick. I feel like I have palpitations but my man had a listen and says that my heart rate seems pretty normal! the pains in my chest are really bad as well as the ones in my left arm! If I'm not actually experiances palpitatioins but think I am, is all of this just in my head? I have no reason for this starting which is frightening me more!!!

I am supposed to be taking the kids to nursery today but cant I just can't face it! I haven't been like that for months now, is this me going back to square one! No matter how bad I think my anxiety is getting I manage to take my kids to nursery as I know that I need that insentive but today it's almost like it's not important enough or something!!

Please help, feeling like I'm gonna bubble

Take Carexx


08-11-05, 08:42
Hi Claire Sorry u have got up feeling this way. Iam a new member to this site............and i've been on and off here since 3.45 this morning after a really bad night.

Clare would it help you if you took the children to nursary then pop yourself into the doctors to get checked out?

I hope you feel better soon

Take care Trish x

08-11-05, 08:54
Hi Clare
I know exactly how you are feeling, has anything happened to trigger this off, even sometimes just a dream can do it for me?
I hope you are ok
Gail x

08-11-05, 10:57
Claire sometimes there seems to be no rhyme or reason why we feel anxious (although Claire Weekes reckons if we really look there usually is) so perhaps don't even try and think why.

Just see it as a bad morning and try not to let it affect you anymore than it already has. Just be a bit kinder with yourself till you feel a bit steadier (we all have these sort of times even so called normal people).

Take care.

Love Piglet:)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

08-11-05, 11:38
Thank you guys for your replies, I haven't taken the kids to nursery I just couldn't do it [V]. But I have gotten into my cleaning and now am away to take the kids to asda to get something in for tea tonight! I'm dreading going for some reason, I just don't want to leave the house but I'm forcing my self to do it cause I just don't want to go back to how I was when this first kicked in! Thats how it's feeling!

I would say that I am alot calmer than first thing this morning but still have this bad feeling like something awful is about to happen and not nessesarily to me just in general!

<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">has anything happened to trigger this off, even sometimes just a dream can do it for me?</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I did have some pretty funky dreams last night, one I can remember was me , now don't laugh, cleaning my ears and I kept going deeper and the deeper I went the blacker the wax got!!! That was it till I woke up! So if that was my trigger god only knows what it means.

Thanx again.

Take Carexx


08-11-05, 14:42
Sorry to hear that Claire. I'm in the same boat. Anxiety has been at bay for two weeks, then I wake up this morning with no appetite and heart racing. What works for me is doing the Cook's Hook-up followed by some meditation. I made a spot in my house that is calm for me, and I go there and just sit with my eyes closed and do the square breathing exersises when I feel the jitters coming on. It seems to work.

The strange thing is, when I went into cardio rehab last night my bp was 101/60 and my pulse was 68, meaning my anxiety was pretty much nonexistent at the time.

I'm actually looking for a meditation class in my area now as I have a strong feeling that that is the medicine that I need. I think it will help me to learn in a group setting in front of someone that knows what they are doing. There's some Zen Master guy giving free classes just up the road from me. I might try that just to see what it's all about.

Hang in there!!!

08-11-05, 14:58
Hi Claire,

I felt like this all the time for a while. It will pass. The more you worry about what it is, the more it happens etc. (but I'm sure you know this).

Remember that recovery is not linear (in my experience). It's 2 steps forward, one back alot of the time. But that's the nature of it. So we have to try and accept it. Easier said than done I know.

Just remeber that it will go again, it's just a blip. :D Let it pass and try and distract yourself and take it easy.

All the best,

09-11-05, 01:08

i no how you feel. i wake up like that quite alot. nothing has to happen r i dont have to b doing anything that particular that day. all the symptoms you had i get. so i do no how you feel.

i tend to just go along with it. i say oh its just a bad day r its the anxiety. itry to work through it which sometimes its not easy.

if it goes on for a long time though i think you should see your gp. in the meantime, i hope u feel a bit better soon.

take care.x

lin x

10-11-05, 16:59
Hi just letting you know that i am too going through the same thing , with all those symptoms that you describe.
I have had anxiety for 5 months now and have just had a pretty good 4 weeks , not totally anxiety free but something i could easily cope with.
That is untill yesterday morning when i woke up really anxious and felt quite ill. I still feel the same now . It does seem that you are going back to sqaure one doesnt it.
I have just been for a run and feel a little better and i am going to tai-chi later.
I am hoping this is just a bad little patch and that another good lengthy one is just around the corner and hope this is the same for you too.

Take care

10-11-05, 17:58
*but I'm forcing my self to do it cause I just don't want to go back to how I was when this first kicked in!*

Well done !

Blip ands Trevs right , recovery does go in peaks and troughs and plateaus.

Where are you now ?! (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=1499)


Your anxiety is the human representation of the pictures that you paint using your many vivid colours of revolving and reoccurring thoughts.
How big is your gallery ?

11-11-05, 13:21
Thanx again guys:).

I really don't know what is going on with me at the moment! I am just a wreck, I can't stop crying. My Partner and I are fighting constantly (I have actually asked him to leave today!) I just don't feel like i'm coping again! I don't feel like I have control of my own life. I'm not full of fear like I was the other day I'm just feeling low. I just want to go to bed and forget about everything and everyone! My home life is sooo frikin meserable that I don't see me getting better unless I change it and the only way I see how is to get rid of the problem! Now I believe the problem to be him as does my councellor but he believes it to be me! What if it is me? and I am just seeing it as it's him, if you get what i mean! Maybe he's right, I could be the one causing all the problems cause I'm not right in the head? If that is the case, what do I do? Should I leave? Not that I think I could ever in a milion years leave my kids but what if I am the one who's bad for them. Will they grow up to hate me just like I did my mum?

I find that I have that much going on in my head that I'm not really thinking about anything, almost like I'm sitting like a zombie staring into thin air. If I was asked what I was thinking about I don't think I would know. Is this me officially going mad, loosing the plot?