View Full Version : plz help :(

02-11-09, 21:27
today i went to the doctors, with intent to BEG for diazipam as i havent been to college in 2wks due to my g.a.d and im panicing so much as i have to go in tomorrow for an exam. latley ive been petrified to be on my own but yesterday i managed to drive home from my grandmothers house alone, with the battery in my mobile fone gone flat. although it was a very short drive, it was a good thing for me.

anyway, today the doctor said it was a one off for the diazipam and would only give me four tabz of 2mg, put put me on citalopram... and all ive done 2day is feel sick and panic and feel absolutley awful. im the kinda person that would worry about getting side effects, iknw these make u feel worse b4 u get better but i dont feel that it will be worth it because then i will have to be wened off them and then will i just get worse again?

im so scared of going into college 2morro so im very high anxiety at the moment, but i was feeling ok wen i got up this morning before i took my 1st 20mg tab. iknw its a chance that im jst worrying and it isnt side effects making me feel like this, but im also thinking i shudnt take them because im scared of feeling worse

anyone have any advice? sorry for long post

02-11-09, 22:00
Hi Nineteen

It is true that these meds can make you worse before you get better. But they are very good when they reach their full theraputic effect, much better than diaz. They can give you a prolonged rest from anxiety, enough time to address the anx through therapy, CBT etc. Therapy doesn't really work when we're in high anx. I always found these meds really good for anx. Definitely worth a go.:)

Wishing you peace and solice:flowers:

02-11-09, 22:01
hello try not to worry about taking the meds, they will help they just take a while to work. The tablets may make you a little worse for a few days but this does start to improve. After 4 days with me, i took diazpam during that time. I started on 10mg maybe you should split in half and move to 20mg i have only just moved to 20mgs hopefully should feel an improvement soon. Doctors are cautious prescribing diazpam as its addictive and should only be used when needed to get you through the first couple of weeks. xx

02-11-09, 22:17
Don't worry about taking the antidepressants if that's what it takes to make you feel well. From my own experience I took antidepressants a few years ago, came off them after 6 months, with virtually no after affects. Maybe I was just lucky but try not to worry about the coming off them at this point. Just concentrate on feeling better.:hugs:

02-11-09, 22:43
hi 19, please dont worry - i started taking citalopram about 10 weeks ago and i first took 10mg and had such a weird reaction i went back to the dr's so i think it is normal to get side effects at first - for me i took 5mg for a week, then 10mg for a couple of weeks before i felt brave enough to take 20mg but everyone is different - do what feels right for you and remember we are all here if you feel bad as we can try and understand what you are going through. :)

03-11-09, 13:37
ARe they worth it?

03-11-09, 13:43
Hi Nineteen

I'm seeing the hospital on Thursday and have several questions that I want to ask them myself, I tried to commit suicide whilst starting out now they increase all the anxiety and depression that we have but I will certainly ask and get back to you as I too am worried about the long term effects and how long I need to be on them and what happens when you stop taking them .... just hold in there for now

03-11-09, 13:58
Hi Nineteen

I do believe these meds are worth all the heightened anx at the start, you won't need diaz or anything like it when Cital starts to work.

Sharon, I didn't notice any real long term effects from them other than the positive. Deal with coming off them when the time comes, you'll have a different perspective on things then anyway :) Stay safe my love, keep in regular contact with your doc.
