View Full Version : Has anyone ever taken EXTRA Citalopram when anxiety got bad?

02-11-09, 23:09
I've been on 20mg Citalopram for about 18 months now, and have no problems with them at all. I used to take Propranolol as my "emergency" medication for sudden increased anxiety waves, but having developed asthma, this is no longer an option.

I'm stuck in a high anxiety cycle at the momemt (having a bit of a relapse at the mo), and need something to take the edge off. I have lots of 10mg Citaolpram as well as my 20mg pills, and was wondering if increasing the dose for a week might be worth a try.

Has anyone done this? Any advice welcome.

02-11-09, 23:29
Nope don't do it!

It doesn't work like that.

It will make u even worse trust me

02-11-09, 23:34
Thanks for quick reply - I suspected that may be the case. Clutching at straws in desparation I think.

02-11-09, 23:37

my doctor gave me buspirone (buspar) to take the edge of things - worked for me

Good luck


02-11-09, 23:42
Yes, increasing your citalopram could make your anxiety worse, as increased doses take time to work.
Have you tried any herbal remedies like Kalms or Bachs? If they don't work you could always go to your GP and ask for some extra medication like trazodone to take along side your citalopram.

02-11-09, 23:48
I threw my BACH rememdy out as part of my CBT a few months ago as it was one of the safety behaviours which was making me worse long term :shrug:

I'm hoping this is a passing phase, I don't really want to have to start all over again with a new GP (I moved areas three months ago). I was actually meant to be trialing coming off the Citalopram at Christmas - don't think that's such a good plan anymore!

03-11-09, 17:59
I agree with Nic - all you will do is increase the amount of citalopram in your blood which will put you at risk of side effects. You will need to be on an increased dose for a few weeks for it to properly benefit you.

Take half a teaspoonful of inositol in the morning and again at night, dissolved in water. Inositol is by far the most effective supplement I have ever used. I rate it higher than citalopram for controlling anxiety and negative thoughts! It's citalopram safe as well and the most common side effect is a pleasant, sleepy feeling, which incidentally I don't get from it any more dammit!!

Lion King
05-11-09, 20:53
Hi Shortstuff,

When I went thru increased anxiety in the early stages I tried Kalms, they worked OK but I felt quite sleepy with them. I also took diazepam but that had very little effect on making me relax. At each stage of increased dose it took upto 3-4 wks before the new dose settled down.

Hope you well in these frustrating times.


05-11-09, 22:54
Sorry but can I ask if reducing causes the same side effects currently on 40mg for 2 weeks this has been reduced starting tomorrow to 30mg. Only I am just sort of at the level of stability now but been getting bad headaches, will I have to ride through another period of anxiety? or will if not have that effect? I do have some 20mg spare from last time so how long would it take if anxiety kicks in again due to reduction and if that is the case could I self raise to 40mg using the spare before going back to the doctor, only been taking citalopram for 4 and a bit weeks in total, went from 20mg initially to 40mg after 13 days and now reducing to 30mg?

also where would I get this inositol as still feel anxious just better controlled but still tremble in hands and legs.

Long winded sorry x

05-11-09, 23:15
It is going to make u feel bad reducing as well as increasing and has to be done really slowly

06-11-09, 01:04
Reducing your dose by more than 5mg in a 2-week period can cause withdrawal effects.

This means if you wanted to come off 20mg of citalopram, it would be 8 weeks before you stopped taking citalopram altogether.

Make sure you never combine citalopram with something that affects serotonin (e.g. kava kava or omeprazole) or you will suffer the risk of side effects and there is a risk you could suffer from serotonin syndrome.

06-11-09, 03:20
i would never take extra meds without checking with doc first just to be on safe side

06-11-09, 05:18
Thank you bit nervous now so took 40mg this morning and I will have to see GP, had hospital appt yesterday with psycho doc and it was her decision but to be honest I took a downward spiral during the increase and she insisted it wasn't due to the medication, god what hope do we stand if they don't know!!!

Thank you so much x

06-11-09, 09:23
It will more than likely have been due to the increase in your meds. It seems as though many health professionals don't understand the effects of taking antidepressants. people seem to think they're no more potent than liquorice allsorts.

06-11-09, 09:37
Thanks again, I'm not prepared to take that risk just yet, I have only just got through the last episode...I will speak to my gp and ask if we can reduce it 5mg each time fortnightly thank you so much x:yesyes:

10-11-09, 10:40
Hi Sharon
I am taking 40mg Citalopram after starting them since March this year, and my gp is now saying as I am feeling better that he wants me to reduce the Citalopram and when I objected he said that I should then try Venafalaxine as it is better suited for anxiety only, as I don't have depression. He has suggested that I come off Cit after a week :scared15: and then onto the other medication. He has given me Propranolol to take whilst withdrawing.
When I upped to 40mg I had a slight change in how I felt and then it settled again and was probably my body getting used to the increase.
I don't think there should be any stigma at all about taking medication and I view it as just the same as someone who has to take medication for any other illness. Personally I would rather live my life feeling happy on meds, than sat worrying with anxiety and feeling depressed, wondering where the eternal cure was going to come from, which will never come because the cure is within ourselves, however I can't cure myself after much trying with all the self help there is, exercise,herbal remedies etc and so I am now happy to take medication to help.
I thought I was going to go to 60mg on Cit which I was happy about as the Citalopram I find has transformed me and I don't want to come off it :lac:
Will let you know how I get on :unsure: