View Full Version : Oh what a night.........!

08-11-05, 09:01
Hi all

The time now is 8.55am, and i've been up since 3.45 am, and i only went to bed at 2pm! The little sleep i did have before getting up was 'pants' i must have had at least 5 episodes.

However, one good thing has come out of it......as i only found this site yesterday i have been able to look all around it and read the postings, which has made me see that i am not alone.........so a big thank you to you all.

I am now off to bed for some peaceful hours of sleep (here's hoping) !!!

I hope you all have a good day.

Trish x

08-11-05, 11:13
Aww - hope you had a good kip in the end and welcome to you.:D

Love Piglet:)

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

08-11-05, 11:16
Hope you get some good sleep :D

"If life were simple, word would have got around"

08-11-05, 15:18
Hey trish, my night last night wasnt the best either. I was having attacks all night and when i finally got to sleep i had the most realistic dream that i was dying on my bedroom floor so i woke up with another panick attack. Im working on maybe 3 or 4 hours of sleep and i have to go to work in a hour. But i took my xanax this morning and im starting to feel alot better. Hang in there =)

08-11-05, 16:05
Hi Trish,

I too suffer with my sleep due to the anxiety. My panic attacks have clamed down due to the meds but the insomnia is still here for now.

Like you, I tend to go through the posts or pop into the live chat.

Kind regards,


"Life's a roller-coaster and I am not strapped in"

09-11-05, 00:46
hi trish,

i had no sleep last nite. had couple of hours today. and still im up now. i hope you get a good sleep. i no wot its like. and im sur alot of others do too.

welcome to the site x

lin x