View Full Version : worried sick over chest pains

03-11-09, 07:34
since yesterday ive been getting these chest pains they come and go every few minutes like a sharp pain then go does anyone else get these im scared to death im about to die

03-11-09, 07:47
if they come and go and are sharp pains and not a pain thats tight and there all the time sounds like trapped wind round that area did you eat something that might have caused this or ae fast ,dont worry your ok ,,,let me know please

03-11-09, 07:48
Hey amanda

Could it be indigestion? I get really awful chest pains when I have indigestion, and mine normally comes in bouts, so I will suffer for a few days every couple of months.
I am quite an achy person anyway.

perhaps get in touch with your doctor hun and get it checked out


03-11-09, 13:55
ty both for the replies, it could be trapped wind i guess but its painful and does it usually last 2 days im still panicking


03-11-09, 14:28
why dont you try gaviscone its great for trapped wind very soothing hope you feel better xx

03-11-09, 14:41
I get a lot of chest pains and I also think it's trapped wind, maybe drink something like coke to try and get it out. You're absolutely fine. The chest pain could be being prolonged simply by you over-concentrating on it, because that can 'amplify' symptoms that are really harmless.
Also chest pain can come from a bra that is too tight.

03-11-09, 14:58

Why don't you give NHS DIRECT a call, they're very helpful and it will put your mind at rest.

best wishes

di xx