View Full Version : nicotine patch symptoms

Cell block H fan
03-11-09, 08:09
Has anyone used Nicotine patches before? Ive noticed I get a pain down the arm that the side the patch is on, if that makes sense. Within about an hour of putting it on, & I get them off n on for a few hours. The later part of the time the patch is on, is pain free.
Just wondered what causes it. I put the patch on my shoulder & change the side every day x
edit: I know its connected to the patch because ive used them a few times in the past & the same things happened every time.

03-11-09, 08:49
I have had something similar when using patches and i also used to get a raised red patch around the nicotine patch, having spoken to the guy who issued me with the patches he said this sometimes happens, he suggested i change brand, so i did and it stopped.

Maybe you could do that too and see what happens, also ask pharmacist they can be a great help!!

di xx

03-11-09, 11:10
When I was using the extra strong patches they used to give me a dead arm feeling, sort of an ache in the muscle. To combat this I started putting the patches on the front of my thigh instead and this solved the problem.

Cell block H fan
03-11-09, 13:28
Thanks folks, will give those ideas a go x

03-11-09, 14:30
Good luck with the quitting, I came off patches after 6 days as they just annoyed me, that was back in September and still going strong.


Cell block H fan
03-11-09, 16:21
Good luck with the quitting, I came off patches after 6 days as they just annoyed me, that was back in September and still going strong.


Blimey Chris, thats brilliant! I used them for 6 weeks and then stopped & didn't smoke for 8 months years ago, stupidly went & started again grrrrrrr.
I have no choice, ive got to stop now. My daughter who's nearly 13 & I are really close, she hasn't many friends, & if anything happens to me, I dont like to think what will happen to her. She hasn't really got anyone else, only sees her dad every other week, & they aren't close. So I need to get rid of as many risks to my health as possible now.
How long until you reached the point of no return? I mean, where you never got tempted? Or does that never go? lol

03-11-09, 20:36
The point of no return? Hey you've managed it longer than I have, so maybe you'd know if there is one. For me, I dunno, since the initial cravings wore off after the first week I've not really had an issue. Yes I've occasionally thought "oh it'd be nice" or it's just popped into my head that I could have one, but it's not a craving, just a thought, and it passes as soon as I ignore it.

In fact I walk past people on the street and see them smoke and feel a bit sick. So even with the odd thought and people smoking I don't get tempted. I think of how proud I am of myself for doing something I never thought I'd be able to do, especially while having problems with anxiety and it keeps me strong.

Who knows, maybe I'm being naive, but I don't consider myself a smoker any more, I hope I never start again and the thought I won't doesn't fill me with dread.

Good luck with your attempt as I said, need some words of support shout and we'll all come round and hide your fags ;)

Cell block H fan
03-11-09, 20:59
The point of no return? Hey you've managed it longer than I have, so maybe you'd know if there is one. For me, I dunno, since the initial cravings wore off after the first week I've not really had an issue. Yes I've occasionally thought "oh it'd be nice" or it's just popped into my head that I could have one, but it's not a craving, just a thought, and it passes as soon as I ignore it.

In fact I walk past people on the street and see them smoke and feel a bit sick. So even with the odd thought and people smoking I don't get tempted. I think of how proud I am of myself for doing something I never thought I'd be able to do, especially while having problems with anxiety and it keeps me strong.

Who knows, maybe I'm being naive, but I don't consider myself a smoker any more, I hope I never start again and the thought I won't doesn't fill me with dread.

Good luck with your attempt as I said, need some words of support shout and we'll all come round and hide your fags ;)

Haha good on you!
Well, for me it was dating someone that smoked & just having a couple of puffs of theirs now n then (I hadn't smoked for about 6 months by the time I met them)
Then I went out with friends drinking, first time in about a year, & it crept back in over a few weeks :weep:
Gotta be stronger this time x

03-11-09, 21:15
Can i just say, my mum gave up smoking 3 years ago, she read Allen Carrs book on giving up smoking, now his book is fab not too expensive, comes with cds to help you when you have finished the book.

But you also have to want to give up, it is worth a look at, my mum was a hardened smoker, and she never ever craved another one again, but like i said you have to want to give up.

Just thought it may help. And well done you on stopping:D

best wishes

di xx

03-11-09, 22:22

Yeah I think what you've said is key. The wanting to give up bit. It sounds obvious, but I've tried to quit several times in my life and although at the time I've told myself I wanted to quit it always felt half-hearted looking back on it. This last and most successful attempt which is still ongoing has been different. I was emotionally committed to quitting before I'd even started, I think for me at least it's that one thing that's made all the difference.

Different things will work for different people and I urge everyone and anyone who's not quit to think about how they would, you might not like the effects immediately, but in the long run it's more than worthwhile.

Oh dear I've become a preachy ex-smoker already :D:ohmy::blush:

And Cell Block H Fan, yeah alcohol was always the thing that had held me back in my previous quitting attempts, I don't drink now though and haven't for several years so it's no longer an issue, but I think for smokers cutting out the alcohol for a little while is important too while they're attempting to quit.
